Heroes Return

Heroes Return by Moira J. Moore

Book: Heroes Return by Moira J. Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Moira J. Moore
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
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Sometimes insisting on one’s rights is not wise. She still had to pay the taxes after the coronation, plus a few extra fines for annoying His Majesty. What did she accomplish?”
    “Pride in knowing she won’t be bullied?” Taro suggested.
    “There is no pride to be felt in stupidity,” she informed him.
    I was kind of curious as to whether the Dowager had given way to the demands of another. Her husband, perhaps. Maybe she was so bitter because she had suffered some poor treatment in the past.
    I felt no compassion for her if she had. Did that make me a bad person?
    Lila walked back into the room and dropped into a curtsy. “Forgive me, Your Grace, sir, madam. There are four of His Majesty’s Imperial Guard here. They wish everyone in the manor to gather in the ballroom.”
    Well, that was unexpected. Imperial Guards. The Imperial Guards were the protectors of the Emperor and sometimes the enforcers of his laws. I could think of no reason why they would be here in Flown Raven, but it probably wasn’t anything good.
    Then again, maybe it was good. I had no way of knowing. Sometimes I was just too pessimistic.
    “What do they want?” Taro asked.
    “I don’t believe they’ve said, yet. They’ve only just arrived.”
    “And they want to see us all right now?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    Well, at least it cut short our painful visit with the Dowager.
    “You may escort me down, Shintaro,” said the Dowager.
    “I’m sure you can find your own way down,” said Taro. “After all, you’ve lived here much longer than I have.” He held out his hand to me, I took it, and we headed down to the ballroom.
    Fiona and her family were already there, and more servants were coming in all the time. Taro and I stayed in the back of the crowd, hopefully out of sight of the four Imperial Guards at the front, resplendent in their bronze armor and red capes.
    A few moments later, Fiona said something to one of the Guards, and he nodded. “Everyone,” he called out in a strong voice. “I am First Lieutenant Corvis. This is First Sergeant Evanov, Second Sergeant Haasen and Corporal Oteroy. We are here by order of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Gifford.”
    Hells, what did he want now?
    “As you may be aware, there is, springing within normally sensible people, a belief that spells and casting are real, that by mixing the right ingredients and speaking the right words unnatural things can be made to happen. As you might not be aware, there have been disastrous consequences to these attempts to cast spells. A fire was started in Silver River, destroying dozens of houses and killing eight people. Wells all over Slight Peaks were poisoned, resulting in twelve more deaths. People in High Scape were murdered by those wishing to have their ashes for use in their spells. And every day, more examples of death and ruin come to His Majesty’s ears. He has decided he can no longer delay stamping out these erroneous beliefs.”
    I wondered if First Lieutenant Corvis knew that the Emperor actually believed in the power of spells, and used them himself.
    “The Emperor has heard many disturbing rumors about Flown Raven and Westsea. Rumors that the pretense of casting spells is prevalent, that it arises in nearly every family and is condoned by your titleholder.” The Guard sent a look of rebuke Fiona’s way. “I take this opportunity to remind you all that pretending to cast spells is illegal, and carries with it harsh sanctions. We have been given the authority to carry out those sanctions against anyone found in possession of the tools of casting.”
    “Enforcing His Majesty’s laws in Westsea is my responsibility,” Fiona objected.
    “There will be no interference with your duties in any other area, but we will be dealing with all offenders of the casting laws.”
    This had the potential to be a nightmare. If the people resented Fiona as an outsider, how would they feel about these Guards from the other side of the continent poking their

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