Hiding From Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 2)
met you? For assault. And the last few years he’s been on the FBI’s radar for possible RICO violations, money laundering and illegal gambling just to name a few. He has a bar on Division Street that they think is a front for a gambling den. Were you aware of it?”
    “I worked there,” Gigi replied with a grimace before pouring the egg mixture into a skillet and sliding bread slices into the toaster. “I tended bar a few nights a week in the beginning. I guess there could have been gambling going on. He had a private room upstairs for his VIPs but I never worked in it. After awhile he never let me go there at all.”
    “VIPs. Just another word for people with more money than morals.” He’d already thought the guy was major slime even before Jason had called this morning.
    “So when do we leave for Vegas? I don’t want Zach to pick up and move on again before we can find him.”
    “Easy there.” West held up his hand at her eagerness. Plans were still in progress. “We’ll get there and we won’t miss him. Now that we have an idea of who we think he is, we’ll keep an eye on him. If he goes anywhere we’ll be right behind him.”
    Gigi filled two plates with the scrambled eggs and toast. “I’ve waited so long to see him, I’m anxious. What are we waiting for? We could be on the road after breakfast.”
    Damn, the eggs were good. Gigi put some kind of spice in it that she’d brought from her apartment. West had been on his own for years and managed quite well but food always tasted better when someone else cooked it. “Not today. We’re not just going to take off without a plan, a backup plan, and a backup backup plan. If Morton is after you my job is to make sure he doesn’t come anywhere near us. That means preparation is key.”
    Grumbling under her breath, she half-heartedly dug into her breakfast. “You’re being bossy again.”
    “That’s probably only going to get worse before it gets better,” West teased, finally getting a smile from his gorgeous breakfast companion. “I take this seriously, babe. Nothing and no one is going to hurt you ever again.”
    “You seem so sure. Alan told me that if he couldn’t have me no one could. That means he doesn’t just want to kill me. He wants to kill you too. That doesn’t bother you?”
    West placed both of their empty plates in the dishwasher. It was time for Gigi to see that he could handle what was ahead. It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to teach her a few self-defense techniques.
    Just in case.
    “When I was in the Middle East there were thousands of people that wanted me dead so…no. It doesn’t bother me. Or scare me.” He dropped a kiss on her nose, catching a whiff of her shampoo. Vanilla and something else. Fresh and clean. He’d never smell that scent again without thinking of her. “If your tummy is full I have some plans for us today. And don’t worry about anyone seeing us. We’re heading to the ranch.”
    The Anderson family ranch was the perfect place to blow off some steam. She was tense and worried a state which wasn’t going to go away on its own.
    “The ranch? What for?”
    “For a shooting lesson. Then maybe a fighting lesson. My dad never took down the boxing ring he built for us boys. You can work on your aggressions by beating the shit out of me. How does that sound?”
    He didn’t imagine how her eyes lit up and her smile widened. “I can’t wait. But I warn you, I have a mean right hook.”
    West fervently hoped that was true. Before this was all over, she might need it.
    *     *     *
    Gigi pulled back her right arm and delivered a sharp upper cut to West’s flat abdomen with her leather gloved hand, sending a shock wave all the way to her own shoulder. His torso had to be solid concrete. Instead of flinching or wincing, he’d grinned and danced around the ring before placing a soft tap to her chin as a reminder.
    For the third time in the last ten minutes.
    She kept dropping her arms. If she

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