Hiding From Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 2)
her body and grimaced. “I’m not sure I’m fit to be a guest in anyone’s home though. I probably stink. No one wants that at their dinner table.”
    West began unlacing her gloves. “You can take a shower at the house. Leann has some clothes there that will probably fit you pretty well. Don’t say no because Mom has her heart set on this.”
    Gigi liked West’s parents very much but she’d always kept a certain distance between them knowing she would eventually be on her way.
    “Do they know?”
    “Only what they needed to know. You have a nasty ex and he’s stalking you. They also know I’m helping you find your brother and sister. But I didn’t get into the details.”
    She hoped she’d never have to tell them. It had been bad enough digging up all the skeletons for West without having to do it again. “I bet they wish you were dating someone else. Heck, anyone else.”
    She turned to head back to the truck but his arm stayed her movement. “Don’t even go there. I love my parents but I’m a grown ass man and they don’t get a vote as to who I’m with. If they don’t like it – and I’ve seen no evidence that is the case – then they’re just going to have to be unhappy. I stopped letting my mother pick my playmates when I was in the first grade.”
    His well-shaped lips were curved in a smile showing off that dimple in his cheek. “Playmate, huh? Is that what I am?”
    He stepped forward so their bodies were only a millimeter apart. She could feel the heat from his skin and smell the tang of his after shave. Their gazes collided and sent a jolt of awareness all the way to her toes. “Among other things. I like playing with you. We have so many…games still waiting to be played.”
    Her breath caught in her throat, she could barely breathe let alone reply to his sexually charged statement. Seconds ticked away as they seemed drawn closer, his lips finally capturing hers, owning her senses in a kiss that left her clinging to him like a wilted vine. Her knees had given out and the only thing holding her upright was his strong arms wrapped snuggly around her waist.
    Detective West Anderson was so damn sexy it ought to be illegal. If the cocky grin on his face was any indication he was well aware of it.
    “We should get up to the house.” Her voice sounded relatively normal despite the rhumba her heart was currently performing against her ribcage. “We don’t want to keep your parents waiting.”
    “We’ve got plenty of time but this isn’t the time or place for what I have in mind. Later.”
    His words held a world of promise and she couldn’t control the release of butterflies in her stomach as he led her to the truck. It was hard enough dealing with her past but now she had a future to contend with as well.
    Always before she’d left before any real feelings took hold inside but this time was totally different. West had grabbed a piece of her heart and wouldn’t let go. She didn’t want to care for him or love him, for heaven’s sake. That would be a disaster. Foster kids from alcoholic mothers didn’t fall for ranching royalty and expect a happy ending.
    She simply wasn’t sure she had any choice in the matter.

Chapter Nine
    G igi hadn’t been lying earlier when she told him she could shoot. She’d easily knocked down the cans he’d set up on an old log way out in the far pasture. He’d tweaked a few issues with her stance and grip but all she really needed was more practice. If he’d known before that someone was out to find her he would have made sure she had the opportunity for target practice on a regular basis.
    She’d also been charming at lunch and then again at dinner, entertaining his parents with stories of the eclectic diner clientele. He hadn’t expected to stay this long at the ranch but after a long day it had been easier to let his mother cook dinner.
    She’d made lasagna and that was one of his favorites. Plus chocolate cake for dessert. Heaven on a

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