Honor Bound
station among the
    “Of course,
Overlord.” The old man adapted easily.
    Ignoring the
glares aimed his way, Vaan dragged a protesting Mikayla up the stairs. Half way
there, she finally gave in and stormed ahead. Vaan followed at a slower pace,
allowing her to lead him once they reached the top. A narrow hall led to
several doors on both sides.
    Vaan frowned. Not
a wise design. The very nature of the hall would minimize a warrior’s ability
to fight adequately. Mikayla stopped in front of the last door at the end of
the hall. Vaan crossed the entrance as she flounced to the single bed and sat
with a huff. He studied the door and noticed the lack of a lock.
    “Are all of the
doors open to any who may enter?”
    She bit her bottom
lip, the tips of her fangs flashing. He could tell she debated whether to
answer. Vaan waited. Patience had always been his strong suit. “Yes,” she
admitted. “A closed door means don’t enter and an open door is an invitation
for any.”
    “I will have the
men add a lock to ours.” He had no intention of sleeping with just a wooden
barrier between him and those he trusted not.
    “Ours? You’re
going to share the bed with me?”
    Vaan wondered if
he should be offended by the question then brushed the thought aside. “It is
your way, is it not?”
    She sputtered then
stood and walked to the small window opening. Her hand roughly pushed at the
thick covering, allowing the light from the day’s sun to beam through. “It is a
fact that Kabanian males do not sleep with their females.” She spun to face him
and leaned her hip against the ledge. The smirk on her face cast doubt on his
race. “They do not trust anyone when their guard is down. Not even the females
they profess to love. Isn’t that your way?”
    Her words were
correct but Vaan countered. “We are not among my people and it is the Raasa way
to share a bed each eventide with one another.” An ill thought out action to
his way of thinking but he’d not shame her by forcing her to adapt to things
all his way. He could compromise and this was a huge concession.
    Vaan planned to
rest with his blade under his pillow until he could fully trust her not to kill
him in his sleep. He did not think it was a serious concern, considering her
wishes but he’d watch her carefully and decide how much honor she truly had. He
was committed to their course of action and nothing would deter him from his
vengeance against Thenl.
    “You were rude to
    Vaan accepted the
subject change. Since she was a woman, he best get used to her inability to
focus on topics. “The male wants you for his own.”
    Color flagged her
cheeks and she pushed away from the window. His shoulders loosened and he
realized he feared she’d fall through. Her frail form would not survive the
damage. He’d have the opening sealed in the morning. It would eliminate a
secondary access point for his enemies anyway.
    “Tesai does not
want me. He is a valued friend and one of my guards.”
    “No more. I am
assigning two of my men as your guards. Kabanians warriors will stand by my
Kabanian bride.”
    Her small feet
took flight and she walked from one end of the room to the other. Her fingers
tapped along a stand alone dresser in her wake. On her pass the second time,
she randomly picked up trinkets from the dresser before setting them back down.
    “Tell me about the
gate. It is a smart defense for your home but not effective if it is not kept
secure,” Vaan asked.
    She looked
surprised and stopped in the middle of the room. “My father’s idea. He wanted
our home protected. Men worked for weeks until the structure surrounded the
entire compound. The only entrance is the main gate.”
    “Which has no lock
either.” Vaan snorted at that bit of stupidity.
    Her eyes narrowed.
“It’s clear we have a lot to discuss.”
    “Agreed. It is a
fact that there will be plenty for you to learn to be a proper bride.”
    “Mate,” she
hissed, eyes flashing. “We

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