Honor Bound

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Book: Honor Bound by Michelle Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Romance
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will be mates in a True Union that will be unto our
    Death? He’d heard
of the ancient practice of staying with one woman for life. Kabanians did not
follow this custom. “And if we do not suit?” He was curious how she’d respond,
though he fully planned to bond himself to her in the way of her people.
    She bared fangs at
him and stopped her trek across the room. “If we don’t suit, prepare to be
unhappy until you die.”
    Again the urge to
smile battled fiercely with his need to hold his composure. What an unusual
affliction he was developing around her. He decided it best to only respond
with a grunt.
    She must have
accepted this as a sufficient reply but pointed a finger at him. “Whatever may
come of our relationship, if there are younglings, you will love and honor them
as if they were full Kabanian by blood.”
    Younglings. Yes,
he would get heirs on her. “Agreed.” He would not cast his younglings aside. A
warrior honored his children and the woman who birthed them.
    “Are there other
matters you wish to discuss? If so, air them now. Otherwise, you will wait
until we are alone in these rooms for questions you may have. I will not
tolerate disrespect in front of my men.” Such acts were punishable offenses.
    Her green eyes
flashed but her voice stayed civil. “I am sure there is more but not right
    “Good. Then we
will speak of the True Union.” He used her term for joinings. “Is there someone
here who can perform the ritual?”
    Her nod defined
abrupt. Perhaps, she expected another male to react differently but it was best
she understand how matters stood with a Warlord and his woman.
    “We will take care
of this matter first. I will strategize with my men. You will inform me of all
those with warrior training. Your guards included. Starting immediately, my
Warlords will patrol the gate and no one enters without my express permission.
Your people will address me as Overlord and my men as Warlord unless given
permission to include their names.” 
    Vaan crossed his
arms behind his back and continued to list his rules. “They will also not touch
your person with such familiarity.”
    “No.” Her green
eyes flashed.
    It was the first
time she protested. “Why?”
    “They are my
family not just servants. My parents died when I was a youngling. My noan
raised me and this house helped him. I will not treat them as if those years
don’t matter.”
    Vaan understood
and considered her explanation sufficient. “Agreed. But not the males. They can
not touch you but the old man Eran has my permission unless I withdraw it.”
    “That’s not fair.”
Her eyes narrowed in defiance. She would need a lot of training.
    “Your body belongs
to me and touching it is a pleasure for me alone. If I must be with you until
death than I will have all of you and not share it with others.”
    She took a moment
to absorb his decree, her mouth opening and closing. “Fine,” she snapped.
    He accepted her
agreement if reluctantly given.

Chapter 5
    Miki regretted her
choices already. Her choice to find the legendary Warlords, her choice to take
a Kabanian as mate and her choice to bring the Overlord into her Raasa
household. She regretted all of it. Sitting at the end of the long wooden
dining table, she listened as the male she’d chosen as her mate spoke
expansively with his warriors.
    Occasionally, they
spoke in standard, at other times in Kaban. She understood every few sentences
and none of it included her. Her noan came over to whisper in her ear. Vaan
paused in his speech to eye them suspiciously. His men noticed his distraction
and all turned to the end of the table where she sat. The temptation to respond
in a childish manner rode her hard.
    “Remember a
sweetened nut gets more than a bitter fruit.”
    Eran’s words made
her roll her eyes. The old saying didn’t apply to her situation. “He is a hard
minded warrior, noan.”
    “And it is a
woman’s way to soften it.”
    Miki smiled

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