Honor Thy Thug
top and there lay the biggest, prettiest diamond I had ever laid my eyes on.
    “Tasha, I know we’ve been through a lot of shit. But tonight I need for us to put all of the mistakes, drama, hurt and pain behind us and start over. Right here, right now, today, I recommit myself to you, to our family and to our bond.” He said as he took the ring from the box and began to slide it on my finger. “Baby, you know damn well that there is no me without you. I don’t just want you in my life, I need you in my life. And you will always be a part of me. I don’t want nothing or nobody to come between us ever again. I don’t want you to ever again regret that you fucked with me. I want to thank you for giving me three strong sons that I get so much pleasure from.” He paused, looked me in my eyes and continued. “Again, I am asking you to allow me to honor, cherish and love you for the rest of my life.”
    Tears had started streaming down my checks back when he said start over. I looked down at my hand and then back up at him. I said, “Trae, I never stopped loving you, and I never will. From this moment forward I promise to honor you, respect you and love you for the rest of my life.” I leaned up and kissed his lips.
    He led me to the couch, poured us both a glass of wine and we toasted to life, love and our new commitment. The one that we both vowed to let nothing or no one come between.
    Once the last sip left my lips, my husband was all over me. Quickly he relieved me of every piece of clothing I had on. As he laid me so tenderly across the satin feeling rose petals, his lips danced all over my skin sending chills all over my body. His touch was firm and gentle at the same time. It was like he was touching me for the first time.
    “Open your legs.” He commanded. And I submitted.
    I inhaled deep as he positioned his body over mine. The intense passion rose off of us threatening to set the room on fire. Slowly,he began to slip into my wetness. When his soft tongue began to pleasure my nipples I grabbed him tight, inviting him to go deep and he complied with long deep strokes that ignited my soul. His dick was calling my name and I answered by throwing the pussy back at him just the way he liked it. The soft moans left his lips accompanied by, “Tasha, I love you.”
    “I love you too.” I replied as my body moved in sync with his.
    “You are my world. Nothing can ever come between us again,” he whispered in my ear.
    “Never again.” I agreed.
    With that, we made love, we fucked, I cried and we made love some more, until we both were satisfied. Afterwards, I lay next to my husband, wide awake, watching him sleep peacefully. I ran my fingers up and down his arm. We had just sealed the deal on our new union; however, all I could do was pray that the universe would show the same forgiveness. Only time would tell.
    We were in the backyard. I loved the California weather; even though it was eighty-three degrees, to me it felt like seventy-five. The kids were splashing around in the pool, while Trae and I were relaxing in the lounge chair watching them. I was sitting between his legs while he was massaging my neck and shoulders. We had just come home the night before from our little romantic getaway. Just as I began to relax into my massage, my cell started ringing. I looked and I saw that it was a 718 number, meaning New York, and of course, I tensed right up.
    “What’s the matter with you?” Trae picked up on my tension immediately. “Who is that?”
    “I don’t know. I don’t recognize the number,” I admitted.
    “Answer it,” he told me. But I was too late. Whoever it was had already hung up. As soon as I let out a sigh, it rang again. Shit . “Answer your phone, Tasha.” His tone was laced with suspicion, and I didn’t like it.
    I pressed the speaker button. “Hello.”
    “Is this Tasha?”
    I looked at my phone as if it had a virus. An unfamiliar voice asking for me using my first name?

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