Hot for Teacher
and she noticed he had lovely brown eyes.
    “Which is shorthand for no nudity,” Santos said dryly.
    Everyone laughed, and Webb gestured to the stairs. “Well said. Now, let’s head up to the second floor.”
    Jane’s stomach tightened and her mouth went dry as they climbed the steps. From downstairs the upper floors appeared to be more open than they really were. Up close she noticed the small fingerprint scanners located by each door. Reaching the top, he escorted them to a set of wide double doors.
    “Behind these doors is the very heart of the enclave. Privacy is of the utmost importance to our clientele so we record who accesses what areas of the floor. As you gentlemen are no doubt aware, our screening process for membership is extensive and very thorough.” He touched the panel with his thumb and the door opened. “Staff is available twenty-four hours a day and all hallways and public areas are under constant video and audio surveillance.”
    It was a large, open space with numerous chair and couch groupings along with a bar to the left. Well dressed men and women sat or stood chatting while others were pursuing more intimate interactions. The low hum of voices mingled with the gentle notes of a piano.
    “This is the common room and, as you can see, almost anything goes here.” He nodded toward a couple seated nearby who were performing an exhaustive exam of each other’s tonsils. “If you’re into public sex, this is the place to be.”
    Jane thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head as they made their way across the room. Her gaze returned to a young woman who was clearly nude and bent over the back of a couch. Two men took turns spanking her as they fondled themselves.
    “Here are the galleries.” He opened another door to a long hallway. On the right were couches and chairs facing large lighted windows where sexual scenarios were being played out. “Here you will find all sorts of activities from straight male female sex.” He gestured to the first window where a beautiful man was having his cock sucked by a dark-haired woman. “Masturbation.” The next window a man was jerking off in an enthusiastic fashion. She winced when he squeezed his balls hard.
    “Bondage scenes.”
    A woman was secured to a bed where she was blindfolded and gagged. One man held a lit candle, and he dropped hot wax on her breasts while another was between her legs fucking her for all he was worth. Discreetly placed speakers played the sex sounds from inside the room. Jane licked her lips. It might be fun to go into that little room and be on display—
    “I believe this one has caught our Ms. Porter’s attention,” Webb said.
    Her cheeks heated, and she looked away.
    “Never be ashamed of your desires.” He touched her hand. “As long as it’s consensual then it’s a beautiful experience for everyone.”
    “I thought this was primarily a bondage club,” she blurted.
    “BDSM is probably the most popular entertainment, but we’re a pleasure club and here, anything goes. We have something for every fetish imaginable, and you can participate as little or as much as you’d like.” Webb exchanged a look with Santos and Antonio. “Your experiences here are what you make of them.”

Chapter Six
    By the time all of their guests had arrived, Jane was ready to come out of her skin. The private suite was as elegantly decorated as the main floor with antique furnishings and gorgeous artwork. Twenty or so people occupied the large sitting room laughing and talking while availing themselves to a buffet and full bar.
    She was to keep their guests entertained.
    Sitting on a delicate settee, Jane was still trying to figure out how she was entertaining anyone when her lovers had forbidden her to move from her spot. An hour had passed since they’d brought her in here and arranged her as if she were a piece of art. With her eyes fixed on the carpet, she was half-sitting half-lying on the couch with her long limbs

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