How Not to Be Seduced by Billionaires

How Not to Be Seduced by Billionaires by Marian Tee

Book: How Not to Be Seduced by Billionaires by Marian Tee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Tee
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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behalf of Kastein Inc.’s.
                My Post-It asked for a Power Point presentation for a manga series I could recommend which had the Big Three – romance, action, and comedy. And just because Charli had a lot of faith in us three – it said so in her snowflake! – we’d be presenting our recommendation to a small group of middle managers this very afternoon.
                I buckled down immediately for work, which I found totally fun and challenging – a great combination that got my heart pumping almost as fast as it tended to do whenever Constantijin – shit, fuck, damn.
                I’m not going to think about him, I’m not, I chanted to myself silently.
                Determinedly refocusing on my presentation, I asked George, “Do you know how to import videos to Power Point?”
                “Sorry, hun, not one clue,” he answered right away.
                Swallowing my pride, I asked, “Arian?”
                She gave me a wide-eyed stare that I totally wasn’t buying. “Not a clue either.” Today, she was dressed in another come-hither outfit. You would think that guys would get used to her D-cups but no. As days passed by, George told me that Arian’s fan club of lechers just seemed to grow and grow in number.
                Her face was also perfectly made up, as always – the one thing that I secretly envied her for. I loved dressing up, but cosmetics? Not so much. Mascara, powder, and lip gloss was just about my limit while I had a feeling Arian even trimmed her nose hair. Whatever. Good for her.
                At half past noon, I slipped out to buy an energy bar from the vendo machine, unaware that behind the tinted windows was a pair of golden eyes following my every movement.
                The energy bar was yummy – but insufficient. I slid another note into the slit and punched the necessary button, but this time nothing come out.
                “Oh, come on!” I couldn’t afford any delays right now.
                “Here, let me.” Someone spoke from behind and a moment later, a dark haired guy was bending down slightly, rapping one fist on the side of the vendo machine.
                The energy bar finally fell down and I grabbed it. Looking up, I was about to thank Mr. Fix-It for vendos but I ended up gasping instead. “You!”
                He was just as surprised and then his lips formed a very pleased smile, one that had me blushing again. “You seem to make a habit of needing my help,” he murmured.
                It was the very same guy who had helped me out during the time I went shopping for work clothes. It was such a freaky coincidence that for more than a moment, I could only blink at him, wondering if he was Mr. Right.
                Yes, yes, I knew I was totally jumping into conclusions – as far as Point A to Point Z in fact, but you see that was how it happened between my parents. Walter and Carole fell in love at first sight. They hadn’t even spoken to each other. They had just looked into each other’s eyes – and that was that.
                Could this guy be the one for me?
                Still smiling, the guy offered his hand and said, “I’m Drake Morrison, by the way.” He seemed even taller and more handsome than I remembered, but with the same olive skin and light brown eyes.
                “Yanna Everleigh,” I returned shyly, shaking his hand. Upon releasing it, I said apologetically, “I have to go. I’ve got a presentation in three hours.”
                “Sure,” he answered easily. “Break a leg.”
                “Thanks.” When I turned around to walk away, I could feel his gaze following me. It made me extra clumsy and conscious, tripping on my own two feet as I reached the office I shared with George and

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