Hunky Dory

Hunky Dory by Jean Ure

Book: Hunky Dory by Jean Ure Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Ure
Tags: Fiction
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lived 230 million years ago. She doesn’t know that back in those days all the continents we have now were one huge great supercontinent called Pangea. I bet she’s never even heard of Pangea!
    She has absolutely nothing to boast about. She couldn’t even tell the difference between a stegosaurus and a triceratops.
    I’ve noticed that most girls aren’t really very interested in dinosaurs; not even the Herb. It’s strange. I can’t understand it.

    She said, “ Doodle!” and thrust a pencil and a sheet of paper at me. I really don’t know why I let her keep bullying me like this. It’s a kind of blackmail. If I don’t do what she wants she’ll say I’ve got something to hide, and accuse me of being mad, and weird, and anti-social. Except that she accuses me of that anyway! It’s very demeaning, being dictated to by a ten year old. I wish now that I’d told her to go and chuck herself out with the rubbish.
    â€œWell, go on!” she said. “Don’t think about it, just doodle .”
    I tried to do something strong and manly, to show her that I wasn’t intimidated by her and her nonsense, but it’s very difficult when someone tells you to just doodle; you can never be sure what’s going to come out.
    â€œLet’s have a look!” She snatched the paper away and sat there, frowning. “Hm,” she said, at last. “Very interesting.”
    I said, “So what’s it show? Does it show I’m going to come sleepwalking into your room one night and smother you with a pillow?”
    She put her head on one side, considering. “Is that what you think it shows?”
    I said, “Don’t ask me! You’re supposed to be the expert.”
    She liked that; me calling her the expert.
    â€œI shall have to study it,” she said. “It’s not that easy. After all, I’m only ten years old. I’m still learning!”
    â€œYeah,” I said, “I noticed.”
    â€œDon’t worry, I’ll work at it! I’ll find out for you.”
    â€œCan’t wait,” I muttered.
    â€œWould you like to know what Linzi’s showed?”
    I said, “No, thank you very much.” But she told me anyway.
    â€œShowed she’s really suffering. All because of you! I don’t know why you’re so against girls.”
    I tried to protest that I wasn’t, but before I could say anything the Microdot had gone rushing on.
    â€œYour friend Aaron likes them OK. I saw him the other night with Sophy Timms.”
    I said, “Aaron and Sophy Timms? You’ve gotta be joking!”
    â€œI’m not joking, I saw them…coming out the park. That night Linzi was here and you were so horrible to her. Night you went and dug your hole.”
    The night Aaron was supposed to come and help and didn’t turn up. But Aaron wouldn’t go out with Sophy Timms! He wouldn’t go out with any girl. He was the one who said girls were no good for you. Best kept away from.
    â€œIt was when we were taking Linzi back, we drove past the park, and I saw them. We both saw them. They were holding hands. It really upset poor Linzi! I mean, considering you won’t even talk to her. And there’s your best friend actually holding hands ?”
    â€œMust have been someone else,” I said. “Can’t have been Aaron.”
    â€œIt was, too! Ask him, if you don’t believe me. He’s not against girls!”
    I really resent that. I’m not against girls! I just don’t like it when they get silly. Boys don’t get silly. Me and Aaron wouldn’t go and sit next to a girl and start breathing over her, and beaming at her, and treading on her foot underneath the desk. I don’t care what the Microdot says! Aaron wouldn’t go out with Sophy Timms.
    â€œWhat is so odd ,” said the Microdot, “you don’t seem to object to the

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