Hunky Dory

Hunky Dory by Jean Ure Page A

Book: Hunky Dory by Jean Ure Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Ure
Tags: Fiction
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    I said, “That’s different. The Herb’s all right…she’s as good as a boy.”
    I knew at once that I’d said the wrong thing. The Microdot’s eyes narrowed to slits. She can look really mean when she narrows her eyes.
    â€œSay that again?” she said.
    â€œSay what again?”
    â€œWhat you just said! About the Herb.”
    â€œSaid she’s as good as a boy,” I mumbled.
    â€œYou sexist PIG !”
    I sidestepped, nervously, before she could swipe me. “I didn’t mean anything by it! I just meant…she doesn’t get silly like other girls.”
    â€œ Silly? ” said the Microdot. “ SILLY? ” she shrieked.
    â€œLike—you know! Giggling, and—breathing, and—”
    â€œSo now we’re not supposed to breathe ?”
    â€œOver people. Breathing over people.”
    â€œWhat people?”
    â€œWell—boys,” I said. “Girls coming and breathing over boys.”
    Now she was staring at me like I was some kind of lunatic. “You’ve been breathed over?”
    I said, “Yes. I have.”
    â€œBy a girl ?”
    â€œOh, wow!” The Microdot clutched at herself in mock horror. “What a terrible experience! How did you survive? He was breathed over!”
    â€œIt wasn’t funny,” I said.
    â€œNo,” shrieked the Microdot, “and neither are you! You are just so antisocial it’s unbelievable. You ought to have an abso put on you!”
    â€œ Asbo ,” I said. “The word is asbo . Antisocial behaviour order.”
    â€œI know what it means!” screeched the Microdot.
    â€œIt’s for people that go round causing vandalism.”
    â€œYou cause vandalism! You wreck people’s lives! Poor Linzi can’t hardly eat because of you. She’ll fade away to nothing, and it’ll be all your fault. You hate her so much you can’t even be bothered to talk to her!”
    I said, “I told you before, I don’t hate her, I just don’twant to encourage her. I think that would be very unkind,” I said, “cos there isn’t any future. And if you were really her friend you’d tell her so!”
    The Microdot ignored this. She always ignores things she doesn’t like or can’t answer. I’ve noticed it before, it’s a ploy of hers. It’s very dishonest; she’s like a politician.
    â€œI’m going to go now,” she said, “and work out what this doodle means. When I’ve worked it out’”—she looked at me, coldly—“I’ll let you know.”
    Like I said, I can’t wait.
    Got hold of Aaron at school this morning and told him what the Microdot had said.
    â€œSaid she saw you coming out the park with Sophy Timms…said you was holding hands.”
    Aaron’s face turned a strange mottled colour. Sort of pink and white, in patches. I could see that I’d seriously embarrassed him. That anyone could think, even for a moment, that he would hold hands with Sophy Timms! I felt sorry I’d ever brought it up.
    â€œThat Microdot,” I said. “I told her it couldn’t be you!”
    â€œYeah. Well. Thing is—” Aaron swallowed. I saw his Adam’s apple bob up and down like a ping-pong ball. He’s got a very scrawny neck, has Aaron. “Thing is, I did sort of go up the park with her. Helped her take her dog for a walk. It’s a very big dog. Very strong. Like a cross between a German Shepherd and a Pyrenean mountain dog. Weighs more ‘n she does. I was just kind of helping her, like, control it, sort of thing. Cos she lives in our road, right? Just a few doors away. So when she asks me, could I go with her cos she’s scared the dog might pull her over, I’m, like, what can I do? How can I get out of it? Not wanting to be rude, or anything.”
    â€œCould’ve said you were

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