Hunter's Way

Hunter's Way by Gerri Hill Page A

Book: Hunter's Way by Gerri Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerri Hill
Tags: Fiction, Lesbian
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she smiled and reached out, brushing at the mud covering Tori’s face.
    “I don’t think that’s going to help.” Tori stood and offered a hand to Sam, who took it willingly.

Chapter Nine
    “You could have been killed,” Robert said for the third time. “I can’t believe I was listening to it on the news all day and you were right in the middle of it.” He brought over a hot cup of tea and Samantha reached for it.
    “I’m fine, I told you. A few bumps and bruises is all.” She sat in the corner of her sofa, wrapped up in a thick robe sipping her tea. After being wet all day, it had taken her hours to get warm.
    “So, are you going to stay?” he asked hesitantly.
    “Stay? Stay where?”
    “With Homicide? With your partner?”
    She set her cup down and stared at him. “Robert, what are you asking?”
    “I just think maybe this is more than you bargained for,” he said.
    “Well, yes it is. We were helping out CIU. You remember, you thought CIU would be the perfect place for me,” she reminded him. “And yes I’m staying.” She leaned forward. “Robert, in all my years on the force, this is the most fun I’ve ever had.”
    “Yes, fun. It was exhilarating. And you know what? There wasn’t a single moment that I felt like we were in danger. Well, we were in danger, but I mean grave danger. She was amazing, totally amazing. Whatever she suggested we do, I trusted her. And she was right. She got us out of there.”
    “She got you in there,” he said. “I’ve heard stories about her. She’s dangerous.”
    “She’s not dangerous. We were just doing our job, Robert.”
    “You could have been killed.”
    “Will you stop with that? I could be killed every time I go out.”
    “I just worry about you, honey.” He sat down beside her and rubbed her thigh. “I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you.”
    “Oh, Robert.” She leaned forward and kissed him. “I’m fine. Exhausted, but fine.”
    “You want me to stay with you tonight?” he asked quietly.
    She shook her head. “No. I’m going to go to bed and crash. I wouldn’t be great company.”
    “I hate to leave you. You know, if we lived together, I wouldn’t have to leave,” he said, moving over to kiss her again.
    She wanted to tell him that even though they didn’t live together, he still didn’t
to leave. But she wanted him to leave. She wanted to be alone. Like she said, she was exhausted. The ordeal today and the endless questioning by CIU had lasted for hours.
    “I just want to get some rest, Robert. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll get away early and cook dinner for you. How does that sound?”
    He put his arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her forehead.
    “That sounds great.”
    Later, as she crawled under the covers alone, she wondered what Tori was doing. She wished she had her phone number. Surely, she wasn’t at the station on the cot tonight. Surely she went home. Samantha lay back, her eyes wide open. Her new partner was most likely alone, with no one worrying over her well-being or bringing her a hot cup of tea. No one to fuss over her almost being killed. The thought saddened her. She hated to think of Tori being alone. Not after a day like today.
    And why was she alone? Samantha didn’t know anything about the gay lifestyle, but Tori was attractive. In fact, she was… gorgeous, with a body to go with it. Why didn’t she have someone?
    But Samantha knew the answer. Tori didn’t want someone.
    Tori flipped on the lights to her tiny apartment and looked around. She hadn’t been there in nearly a week. She tossed her keys on the counter, opened the fridge and stared inside. Two beers and a carton of milk that had soured, nothing else. She slammed the door and opened a cabinet, taking out a bottle of scotch. She grabbed a large glass and filled it nearly to the top, then moved to her lone chair, a recliner.
    “Hell of a day,” she murmured to the empty room.

Chapter Ten
    “Well, well, hero

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