Hunter's Way

Hunter's Way by Gerri Hill Page B

Book: Hunter's Way by Gerri Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerri Hill
Tags: Fiction, Lesbian
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for a day,” Sikes said as he walked over to Samantha and patted her shoulder. “Good job, Kennedy.”
    “Thanks, Sikes. All in a day’s work,” she said lightly.
    “You looked great on the news, all wet with your hair slicked back,” he continued, taking his usual perch on the corner of her desk.
    “I didn’t think you noticed things like that, Sikes.”
    He stood up quickly. “I told you, I’m not gay! I don’t know where you got that from, but it better stop here.”
    She only smiled at him and nodded.
    Tony Ramirez walked over then, sticking out his hand and shaking Samantha’s.
    “You guys were great,” he said. “Good plug for Homicide. Can’t believe Hunter did that.”
    “Well, CIU was acting like they busted the whole thing on their own,” she said. She actually couldn’t believe it either. When the TV crew had asked how long she’d been with CIU, Tori had laughed. “We’re with Homicide, not CIU. They were too busy to check out this dead-end lead, so they had us run out here. Hell of a dead end, huh?”
    “You should have heard Fisk when he was telling the story.
‘Tell Malone to send the troops. Oh shit!’”
Ramirez said, mimicking Tori.
    Samantha laughed. That was only the beginning of their ordeal.
    “Where is Hunter, anyway?” she asked.
    “Haven’t seen her.”
    “It’s eight-thirty,” Samantha said. “She’s always here before me.”
    He shrugged. “She’s probably out working already.” Then he handed her something warm wrapped in foil. He laid an identical one on Tori’s desk. “My mother made these. Tori loves them. Chorizo and eggs.”
    “Thanks, Tony. That was sweet of you.”
    She unwrapped hers, finding a warm tortilla rolled inside, bulging with eggs and Mexican sausage. She took a bite and moaned. Wonderful.
    But it was another half hour before Tori walked in, looking like she’d hardly slept at all. She walked past Samantha’s desk and straight to the coffee.
    “Are you okay?” Samantha asked when Tori returned.
    “Uh-huh,” she said, sipping from the hot liquid. She looked at the foil on her desk and grinned. Tony’s mother had no doubt cooked for her again.
    “Where have you been?”
    Tori raised her eyebrows.
    “What? I can’t ask that? I would think after yesterday, I could ask anything I damn well pleased.”
    Tori grinned. “That’s what you think, huh?”
    “Yes, that’s what I think.”
    “Okay, fair enough. I was at my boat. I overslept,” she said.
    “Why don’t I believe you?” She lowered her voice. “You look like you hardly slept at all, Tori.”
    “Oh, but I did. I went to my apartment first. There was nothing there but a bottle of scotch. About midnight, I went out and got something to eat, then drove to my boat. I fell asleep about four. Got caught in traffic.”
    Samantha stared at her. Four? She was asleep by ten. She was about to comment when the Lieutenant called for them.
    “You two want to come in here?”
    Tori sighed, then pushed away from her desk. She was used to existing on only a few hours’ sleep each night but for some reason, she couldn’t shake it this morning.
    “Well, you had quite a day, Detectives,” he said. “Congratulations. You made the department proud.”
    They both looked at him, saying nothing.
    “CIU’s got their panties in a wad, though. Press ate up your interview last night, Hunter.”
    She shrugged.
    “I just wanted to tell you that you did a good job. Glad you made it back in one piece.” He looked from Hunter to Kennedy, then back. Kennedy looked rested. Hunter looked like shit. “I guess it’s back to your Jane Doe. The lab called this morning, Hunter. Fisk has the info. They found some matching fibers.”
    “Great. We’ll check it out.”
    They got up to leave but Malone called Tori back.
    “Hunter… a word?”
    Samantha glanced at them both, then shut the door behind her. Tori sat back down, waiting.
    “You okay?”
    “I’m fine, Lieutenant.”
    He nodded. “How are

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