I Spy a Naughty Game
    “Maybe.” He shrugged. “Ever heard of Ash Kelly?”
    “What? Get out!” She gaped at him. “You’re related to the Ash Kelly? The singer who just built a vault onto his huge house to hold his guitar collection and six Grammys?”
    “The same. He’s my cousin—my uncle’s youngest son. We’re pretty close, since we were practically raised together.”
    “I can’t believe it,” she breathed. “That’s so cool.”
    “One would think so.”
    The reserve in his tone pricked her curiosity. “You don’t?”
    “I would if he was happy. You might’ve heard or read that he was in a relationship that recently broke up over his career and some scary problems with a former girlfriend. In short, he was devastated, made some bad choices, and is trying to get himself back together.”
    “I’m so sorry. I hadn’t heard, but then I’ve been out of touch with a lot of tabloid news lately. I hope he gets back on his feet soon and his issue with the old flame is put behind him. Any chance he and his girlfriend will get back together?”
    “Girlfriend and boyfriend. He was in a committed ménage when the blow-up happened.”
    She blinked at him. “Oh. Wow.”
    “Exactly. Talk about pressure, someone of his stature struggling to keep it secret. Then the big explosion, and the press gets wind of it after he goes to rehab. He’s still an emotional mess, but he’s doing better, so maybe there’s hope.”
    She itched to know the whole story from the beginning, but his tone seemed to close the subject. Perhaps another time. In any case, they’d arrived at the compound, putting a hold on her fascinating journey through the branches of his family tree.
    She walked inside with him, navigating the maze to Michael’s office. The man’s secretary wasn’t in at this hour, so they passed her desk. Blaze knocked on the partially open door.
    “Come in.”
    Their fearless leader looked impeccable in his suit, and not as gaunt as he’d appeared when he first returned to SHADO. Had he gained some weight? She thought so but couldn’t be sure.
    “Work agrees with you,” she told him as Blaze shut the door, glancing at the sexy, slender blond man hovering to one side of Michael’s desk. Bastian Chevalier? What was he doing here? “You’re looking better every day.”
    “Should’ve returned to the fold sooner,” Michael said, giving her a half smile. “Being here is like being a single parent with several hundred rowdy children to take care of. Keeps my mind off my personal troubles. My friends have helped, too.”
    Poor man. She wanted to comfort him but doubted she’d know the right thing to say, even if they were closer. It struck her that she didn’t know how Maggie died, and couldn’t name offhand anyone else who did.
    Bastian made a huffing sound. “As if you ever allow anyone close enough to—”
    “Sit down,” Michael cut in sharply, directing her and Blaze to take the vacant chairs in front of his desk. “Willis and Osborne will be here any minute.”
    Michael waved a hand at Bastian. “Everyone already knows Agent Chevalier,” he said coolly, earning a frown from the man in question. “He’s done me a big favor by agreeing to permanently take the vacated CEO’s position.” The one Dietz had previously held as Michael’s right hand, though no one said so.
    “Congratulations,” Blaze said with enthusiasm, rising to briefly shake the man’s hand. “I can’t imagine anyone who deserves it more.”
    “Double that for me,” Emma put in with a smile. Bastian nodded, but before he could speak, another knock sounded and the door opened, the newcomers moving to stand near Michael’s desk, off to one side.
    “Sorry we’re late, boss,” Ozzie said.
    “No, we’re just getting started.” Michael gestured to Emma, diving in without further ado. “You go first, give us the rundown on our suspects.”
    She immediately understood that she was the rookie in the room when it

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