I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge

I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge by Shaun Wanzo Page A

Book: I Use To Love You: A Hood Chick's Revenge by Shaun Wanzo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaun Wanzo
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    She nodded her head real fast. Adrienne was a pretty high yellow bitch with natural long silky hair and real green eyes. Just how Ivan likes it . The thought pissed me off even more.
    “Fuck some money. I need to know whose name Ivan’s rental is under.”
    Her green eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open. I don’t know if she was able to remember who I was in the fitted, shades, and wig. But at that point it didn’t matter.
    “What the fuck are you waiting on? Bitch, get to typing!” I pressed my strap into her chest when she shook her head. “If you even think about lying I’ma blow a hole in you bigger than that monitor. I know Ivan got a rental within the last few days. Now get to typing bitch.”
    She nodded her head and her fingers got to flying across the keyboard in front of her. I tucked the strap back into the pocket of my sweat pants and quickly made my way around the counter. I wasn’t dressed in a black polo shirt with the company logo on it or a tan khaki knee length skirt and black flats like she was. But I figured I would look less suspicious to any cars passing by on Wells Street if I was standing on the side of the counter, rather than reaching across it with a strap in my hand.
    “Write down the name and address.”
    Adrienne quickly wrote down everything I needed on a small note pad and ripped off the paper and handed it to me. I waited until there was another break in traffic before I pushed the bitch down onto the linoleum floor.
    “Are you fuckin Ivan?” I asked as I pointed the nine millimeter at her chest. My aim was low enough so anybody passing by would not be able to see what I was doing.
    “Please, please. Don’t shoot me. Please.” She was crying and shielding her face with the palm of her hand as if that was going to stop a bullet.
    “Bitch cut it out. Did you fuck him or not?”
    “I’m sorry. Please don’t. Please.” I watched her go through a thing down there on the floor, knowing how manipulative and irresistible Ivan was. I actually started feeling sorry for her.
    “He…told…me…you…guys…had…an…understanding.” It might’ve took her a while to get it out but I understood every word. The bitch knew who I was. I had a quick decision to make. If I let her live Ivan would know what I’d been up to because I definitely couldn’t trust the bitch to keep her mouth shut. There was also a good chance she would put the po-pos on my ass. If I killed her, they would have the little tramp’s face all over the news. Shit would still be hot and Ivan would probably suspect me. I honestly felt that this wasn’t an angle he thought of. I needed to keep the element of surprise on my side.
    “Come on, get yo ass up,” I said as I extended my hand to help her. I didn’t think to put the strap back into the pocket of my sweat pants until she stayed down on the floor shaking and looking up at me with a mixture of confusion and fear in her green eyes.
    “Get up Adrienne. I’m not going to hurt you.”
    I got impatient with her shaky ass hand and I just grabbed it and pulled her up. Whatever I chose to do with this bitch was going to be a gamble. So I decided to go a different route and prayed I didn’t crap the fuck out.
    “Do you have feelings for Ivan?”
    She just stood there hugging herself, with her head down.
    “Adrienne, look at me and stop being such a scary bitch. I’m not askin you on no jealous shit. I’m trying to put ya up on game.”
    She was shaking as if she had Turret’s Syndrome but she finally looked me in the eye. She wiped away the tears in her eyes before nodding her head yes.
    “Well let me ask you this?” She swallowed hard. “Was he with a white bitch when he came to get a rental?” Her eyes got wide as she nodded yes. “A white bitch with a face and ass like Kim Kardashian, right?”
    She nodded. “Yeah, he told me that she was a business associate that was willing to help me out.”
    I folded my arms and laughed.

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