Immortal Secrets

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Book: Immortal Secrets by Jerry Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry Moore
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they were not coordinating with Lisa about her movements. She would go an unexpected direction and they would have to scramble to get back in position.”
    “Even if all of that is true, why should I trust you? What if I think you are just a little too good for it to be a coincidence that you are here? How do I know you are who you say you are?”
    “If I wanted to hurt Lisa, I would have already done it. If I were you, I would spend more time worrying about the naughty things I want to do to Lisa in the bedroom and less about whether or not I can be trusted.”
    I could feel myself blushing. Jeff had just announced his intention to sleep with me. “Excuse me? I am not that kind of girl. You have a lot of nerve.”
    Jeff winked at me. “I said I wanted to do those things. I didn’t say that they were going to happen or that you would even consent to that sort of behavior.”
    Jenny rolled her eyes. “So, where does that leave us?”
    Jeff looked back at Jenny. “That leaves us at an impasse. You don’t fully trust me but you have to know that Lisa and I will continue to see each other. What I propose is that you recognize that I can be helpful to you. I am at least as good as any of those bozos you have following us around.”
    “Helpful in what way?”
    “Keep me in the loop. I am going to be hanging around with Lisa either way. Why not use my training to your advantage?”
    “Okay, I will make you a deal. I will pass on any credible threats to Lisa but no information about who sent them or any background on Lisa’s past. Lisa will not tell that information either. You only get information that directly relates to Lisa’s immediate safety here in Lubbock.”
    Jeff nodded his head. “Deal.”
    We got away from Jenny as quickly as we could. I felt a sense of relief with Jenny somewhat satisfied with what Jeff had told her and they had agreed to. We got in Jeff’s pick-up and headed for the hospital. Jeff found a parking place near the front entrance. I started to get out on the passenger side.
    Jeff grabbed my arm. “Wait.” He pulled me closer to him and gently kissed my lips.
    The kiss was short and sweet. I pretended to shove him away. “I shouldn’t be kissing you. I should be mad at you.”
    Jeff smirked. “Mad about what?”
    “You practically announced to my Aunt Jenny that you intended to make love to me. It was scandalous.”
    “First of all, she isn’t really your aunt and I don’t think she really care s who you do or don’t sleep with. Which would you prefer? She can either think that the whole time we were in your room, you were spilling the beans about who you are and where you came from or she can think that I spent that entire time trying to seduce you.”
    “So now the truth comes out. You have no interest in sleeping with me. I see how it is.”
    “Now you’re being a brat.”
    I gave him an impish smile. “Whatever, let’s go see Brenda.”
    We stopped at the information desk in the hospital lobby. One of the volunteers working there told us that Brenda was in Medical Intensive Care. Everyone at the hospital simply referred to it as MICU. It was on the fourth floor. It was already past nine-thirty in morning when we arrived at the MICU waiting room. Visiting hours start ed at nine o’clock.
    I was a little surprised to see Brenda’s friend Tina sitting on a couch in the waiting room. I hadn’t seen Tina since we had lunch together with Brenda. That had been just last week. Now it seemed like it was a lifetime ago.
    I walked over to Tina with the best smile I could muster. “Hey Tina, how’s it going?”
    She looked up without smiling. “Hi.”
    I sat down beside her. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay.”
    Tina still wouldn’t look at me. “I know, but can I ask you about something?”
    “Sure, what is it?”
    “At lunch that other day, you acted like you couldn’t stand Allison. I get here this morning and she is all telling me how y’all are the best of pals. I don’t

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