Immortal Secrets

Immortal Secrets by Jerry Moore Page B

Book: Immortal Secrets by Jerry Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry Moore
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like being lied to.”
    “It’s not like that. I had never really even spoken to Allison until last night. I think she is just trying to be nice me because Jeff wants her to be.”
    “ I thought you guys might be having some fun at my expense. It’s been known to happen.”
    I put my hand on her shoulder. “I would never do that to a friend, and I consider you to be a friend. As for Allison, I guess we will just see what kind of game she is playing. Where is Allison anyway?”
    “She went back to see Brenda and talk to the nurses.”
    I found it strange that Allison went back to see Brenda since she hadn’t been able to even stay in the room with her for two seconds last night.
    I was just about to go back to see Brenda when I saw Allison walk into the waiting room. She came and sat down beside me. “Okay, here’s the deal. Brenda still has not regained consciousness. The nurses won’t tell me anything about her condition. No one has heard from any of her family except her husband, who is currently being questioned by the police.”
    I took a deep breath. “So they won’t tell us anything.”
    “Actually they will talk to you, Lisa. Since they can’t locate any of her family, the charge nurse said they could talk to the person listed as the emergency contact. Apparently when she came into the ER last night, you were the only person anyone could get a hold of.”
    “Can they do that? I mean release medical information to someone other than the family?”
    “The nurse said they weren’t supposed to but right now, you are the closest thing to family that she’s got.”
    Allison led me to the nurse’s station inside the Intensive Care Unit. I met a middle aged white man with balding hair named Gary. He was the charge, or head nurse on duty. He escorted me to a small room with a couple of lounge chairs and end tables in it. It was the kind of a room where they give you news you don’t want to hear.
    Gary motioned for me to sit down as he closed the door behind him. “Miss Wilson, we have a very unusual situation here. Mrs. Robison is here, but we haven’t been able to locate any of her family. For all I know, she may not have any other family. We of course have located her husband’s family but I am hesitant to speak to them about her condition. I understand that Mr. Robison is the primary suspect in her assault.”
    I was trying to take everything in. “Yes, I believe that is correct.”
    He put his hand on my knee. “So I am going to go ahead and tell you what I would normally tell Mrs. Robison’s next of kin. The doctors that have examined her do not believe she will ever wake up. She may hang on for a couple of days, maybe longer on life support. Her internal injuries are just too severe.”
    “There’s nothing you can do?”
    “At this point, our best option is to pray. That is if there is someone you believe in.”
    “Can we still see her?”
    “Yes, I will make arrangements for you and whoever else to visit her anytime until she passes. I wish there was something else we could do. At this point, your friend needs a miracle.”
    I went back to the waiting room and gave everyone the bad news. Allison looked like someone kicked her in the gut when she heard that Brenda wasn’t going to make it. I couldn’t figure out why she would take it so hard. She barely even knew Brenda. Of course, she was still my biggest unanswered question about Jeff. What was the deal between Jeff, Allison, and Dr. Greene? There was something there, I could feel it.

    Chapter Seven
    No one wanted to leave the hospital. I called Jenny and told her about Brenda. She decided to come up to the hospital and play the par t of my concerned aunt.
    The hospital staff would only allow two people at a time to be in Brenda’s room. Everyone else had to remain in the waiting room or at least some other place besides the actual Intensive Care Unit. Since everyone was taking turns, I wound up taking my turn and sitting in

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