Immortal Secrets

Immortal Secrets by Jerry Moore

Book: Immortal Secrets by Jerry Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry Moore
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now. Even with Aunt Jenny in the next room, I’m not sure I could say no. I hope that doesn’t make me sound like some kind of tramp.”
    He looked down at me. “No, that makes you sound like a woman who has been through a lot and is vulnerable. You sound like a woman asking her boyfriend not to take advantage of her. You sound like someone with a lot of class.”
    He leaned down and our lips met for a second time. We finally came up for air. He rolled away from me. “I would love to stay here all day. You are amazing but we need to get this little talk with Jenny over with so when can go check on Brenda.”
    I sat up. “You’re right.  We need to be there for Brenda.”
    Jeff and I walked into the kitchen holding hands. I dreaded this little meeting. My loyalties were definitely divided. On the one hand, I understood where Jenny was coming from. On the other hand, I didn’t want her grilling the guy that I was definitely falling for.
    Jenny had been sitting at the kitchen table. She jumped up when we walked in. “Oh there you two lovebirds are. Why don’t we all sit down at the table so we can chat.”
    I was completely caught off guard. I had been expecting the drill sergeant version of Jenny, not the Suzy homemaker version. “Well I suppose we could chat for a few minutes, but we really need to get up to the hospital.”
    The three of us sat down at the table. I sat next Jeff as we were still holding hands. I wondered how long Jenny would keep up this charade of being the sweet aunt. Jenny gave me a stern look. “Now Lisa, I think the two of you can spare a few minutes. After all, I let you have your time together in your bedroom. I shudder to think of the naughty things you two of you may have been doing in there.”
    Jeff gave her a smile. “Believe me, your niece behaved herself like the lady she is.”
    I couldn’t help myself. “He means we both kept all of our clothes on.”
    She ignored my little comment. “Well Jeff, tell me about yourself. I’m sure Lisa’s parents expect me to do my due diligence.”
    Jeff was not giving away the fact that he already had most of my story. “I completely understand. Well, let’s see, I was born in Ohio but we moved around a lot. I joined the army right after high school. I got out of the service a few months back and decided to go to school.”
    Jenny started to dig. “And how did you happen to pick Texas Tech? Lubbock is not exactly a tourism hotspot.”
    “Well I have an interest in History and especially as it relates to ancient manuscripts. I remembered reading somewhere that Texas Tech was going to start doing some research on some ancient manuscripts that a few scholars believe may belong in the bible.”
    “What does that have to do with you?”
    “Nothing, I just thought it would be an exciting time to study History at Texas Tech.”
    “You know, I was quite amused when Lisa came home last week and told me that you thought that she was being watched. It sounds like you have a very vivid imagination.”
    Jeff paused for a few seconds before answering. “Jenny, let’s lay our cards on the table. Lisa is not really your niece. She is being followed. My guess is that you’re a federal marshal and she is in witness protection.”
    “Let’s say just for the sake of argument, that you were right. How would someone with you r supposed lack of experience spot them?”
    “I had some counter surveillance training in the army and dealt with insurgents while I was stationed in the gulf. I do have some experience in this area. But you’re right. I shouldn’t have been able to spot your team.”
    “So how did you spot them?”
    “Your guys are arrogant and sloppy. I guess they figured that since they were only dealing with college kids that they could let their guard down. That’s not very professional. Whoever wants Lisa found could show up at any time. The clowns that I saw following her weren’t very good. To make matters worse, it was obvious that

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