In Good Hands With My Dad's Best Friend (BBW Contemporary Medical Taboo Romance)
a lot for you in life and who you’ve known forever.”
    “And why in the hell not?” Jim asked. “Don’t the best relationships consist of friends to lovers? It did for us.” He took Lisa’s hand and squeezed. “So, Gordon, you hurt our daughter, your life is ours and we’ll make your ending painfully messy.” Jim nodded. “Now that we got that out of the way, what the hell happened yesterday, Jan?”
    Keith kept scooting closer as Jan explained the situation and where she’d been when the car had hit the little boy. By the time she got to the part where she accompanied little Brody to the hospital, Keith had her in a light embrace. Jim’s eyes kept flickering to the two of them, but he seemed more upset about the situation at the school, and rightly so.
    “Why you?” James asked when Jan finally trailed off. “What sets you apart from the rest?”
    “I told them I wasn’t going to cover for anyone any more. No more sick days because someone partied to hard the night before. No more pretending to look away when there are people under the influence at work. I rationalized that if he was in the office, he wasn’t a threat to the kids. God, I feel so bad about this.”
    She looked at Keith and then at her father. “Did you talk to a lawyer, Dad? What’s the verdict on how screwed I am?”
    Jim sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “The thing that I suspect will bother him the most is that you knew there was a drinking problem. There’s no doubt in my mind that the school will be closed, and I have a sinking feeling they may take your license until you do some retraining.” He paused. “Is there anything we need to worry about in your blood work?”
    “Not even pot? That can be discovered for up to a month. How about poppyseed muffins?”
    “Not even pot,” Jan replied firmly. “And I’m not a muffin eater, too many calories. Nothing stronger than a Benadryl. Daddy, I’m in the clear as far as that goes.”
    “Are there any witnesses who may have seen you when the accident happened.”
    “Some of the older kids,” Jan said, fairly certain that some of the fourth and fifth graders she’d spoken to inside just before the accident would remember.
    “Okay. Then we need to get proactive here. I promise you it will be okay.”
    “I know it will. I have faith in all of you.”
    “Your dream team,” Keith told her, stunned when she kissed him right there at the table in front of her folks. He was even more stunned when they didn’t react outside of Jim rolling his eyes.
    They would figure this out together. Jan was going to be okay.
    Four Months Later
    “Honey, I’m home!”
    Jan smiled as Keith did his best, read very bad, Desi Arnaz impression. She was on the couch, looking through a lesson plan.
    The last few months had been full of ups and downs. Jan’s school had been closed, and several of the staff members had been sanctioned, though Jan had been ruled to be in the clear. Still, given the situation, she’d taken some time off, to try to regroup. Jan had intended for there to be a break of a few months, while she got used to being Mrs. Gordon, but that hadn’t happened.
    Not the Mrs. Gordon part. That had happened three weeks ago, in a quiet, beautiful ceremony. It would have been a whirlwind courtship, except they’d finally faced the relationship they’d been denying all this time. Their romance had been explosive, but the feelings and care behind it had been nothing but the truth, and they’d built upon all the time they’d known each other to create a life together.
    Keith had wanted Jan to be a typical doctor’s wife, and had suggested she stay at home for a while before seeking work. Part of that was probably to protect her, she’d realized.
    When a mother of a former student had called Jan, only two weeks into her break, she hadn’t known what to think. And then, when the other had explained they were investigating an educational co-op, home schooling a

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