In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time by Tiana Laveen

Book: In the Nick of Time by Tiana Laveen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Laveen
Tags: Fiction
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was wasting his time, trying to drill for oil in a well run dry. But he had to say it, for he had to know that he’d tried, didn’t give up on her. “I’ve had to keep kids at the precinct for hours at a time, trying to locate their next of kin or call child protective services so they could get a foster family on the horn. And you know why?” He swallowed a wad of spit, becoming suddenly queasy from her overpowering, cheap fragrance.
    Perfume won’t cover the stench of your life, baby…
    “Because they had to watch their mother get murdered by their own father or their mother’s boyfriend who decided to snap one fine day. It happens all… the damn… time ! You’re not special to this man, Maria!”
    She sniveled, wiped another tear away as she ran her hand along her baby’s back.
    “You and this man’s relationship isn’t kissed by God! ¿Qué es lo que van a hacer?! (What are you going to do?) You’re not exempt from what really happens with stuff like this, Maria! For your children, if not for you… leave him, and don’t look back. Dios del mayo le ayuda. (May God help you.)” He walked out of there, knowing the two would be back in each other’s arms in a few days…and he and Tomas would be right back at the apartment too, going through the same shit all over again. Only, the next time it may result in a call to the coroner.
    He marched out of there, racing down all ten flights of uneven, broken down steps, cursing the malfunctioning elevator the entire way. The blustery air burst against his face like a balloon full of ice, kissing him with the love and hatred of a cold front that simply wouldn’t take ‘No’ for an answer. He gripped his jacket, zipping it up a bit higher to keep old man winter’s mitts off him, but it was no use. The hoary son of a bitch took his frozen gums and gnawed right through the material, getting down to his stiff bones, licking them clean and leaving everything damn near close to frostbitten in his wake.
    “Fuck this fuckin’ snow!” he cursed as he headed to his police car and took a gander at the blowhole in the backseat, not looking even a smidgen remorseful. He daydreamed of driving off somewhere remote, dark and private, maybe to a back alley or near some abandoned building, and fucking up little Miguel real nice and proper. Swallowing down the sordid thoughts, he got into the driver’s seat and looked in the rear view mirror at the slumped over son of a bitch who wore a silly smirk as if he knew a special something, got in on a coveted secret.
    “I think you need to battle with a real man…” Nick stated as he pulled away from the curb. “Only pussies beat up on women.”
    “Yo, fuck that noise she said, okay?! Women swing, too! Maria ain’t applying for no sainthood ya know, Nick. She runs off at the mouth and she smacked me. She put her hands on me first .”
    “Yeah?” He smirked as he regarded him through the rear view mirror. “Well, funny thing is that Maria is about five foot even, and weighs no more than ninety pounds. You are at least five foot eight, and weigh upwards of one-eighty, and not only that, you throw bows on the street practically every weekend. I saw her face you fucker. Even if what you said were true, how does a smack on your face equal that bullshit?!” His anger roiled within him, turning into some toxic, black milkshake in his gut.
    “Hey Nick,” Tomas smirked as he readjusted himself in his seat. “Settle down. He’ll be with us again and we’ll get our chance.”
    “Chance for what ?” The man didn’t miss a beat. He hopped on the slightly veiled threat like a flea in a circus.
    “Oh, you’ll see. Hit her again, and we’ll make sure you find out ASAP.” Nick grinned, no doubt his teeth gleaming like white lights strewn across the miserable town. He was a sly fox on the prowl and he wanted nothing more than to draw blood from a lousy bastard that deserved it. Miguel fit the bill. The fucker slumped further

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