In the Shadow of His Wings

In the Shadow of His Wings by Pamela Wells

Book: In the Shadow of His Wings by Pamela Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Wells
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and looked inside. She felt for the light switch and the room filled with light. It was another bedroom with a bathroom similar to hers. The wallpaper was an old fashioned floral print. It looked like it might be a bedroom for the mother. Laura found this odd, since she would assume that the mother would have a large bedroom on the main floor of the house. There was a picture on the dresser of two young teenagers. Laura stepped in for a closer look. One was clearly a younger version of her kidnapper and the other must be Christine. Laura had to admit that Christine and she definitely looked similar. She put the picture back where she found it and left the room quickly, rubbing the goose bumps on her arms. This place is giving me the creeps.
    She went back into her own room and began to explore it in greater detail. The bed was a double four poster bed. The dresser and night table matched. She opened the doors of the closet and saw that there were a few dresses and blouses hanging there. She noticed something odd about them and stepped in for a closer look. All the sleeves were cut up the sides all the way to the collar and had Velcro closures. It took her a moment to figure out why that would be but then she understood. It was so she could get dressed with the hand cuff on. Both sleeves were done on every garment. Obviously this was so the cuff could be worn on either hand. If one wrist got sore, it would be no problem to move the chain to the other arm. How convenient!
    Laura felt her stomach churning again as she backed out of the closet. She checked the drawers of the dresser and found a variety of undergarments, socks, some sweaters with the same alterations done to the sleeves as the blouses and dresses. She didn’t even look at the sizes of the clothes. She didn’t want to think of staying here long enough to need them. She went over to check out the desk in the corner. Sitting down, she checked out the contents. It contained items one might expect to find in a teenagers desk. A bulging pencil case with magic markers, colored pencils, and a few packages of binder paper. A tape player with head phones and a few tapes of bands that were popular thirty years ago. Some colored candles, incense and stickers that would glow under a black light. In the book shelf above the desk was a set of encyclopedias, some paper back novels, and a few old high school text books. Several books that looked like journals, as well as a high school year book. All looked slightly yellow around the edges.
    As if they had been sitting there for thirty years, and she supposed they had.
    Looking around the room she saw a poster of a kitten hanging from a limb with a
    “Hang in There” caption. Well that’s appropriate! Another poster with David Cassidy and the Partridge family hung beside it. Just like her kidnapper had said, she saw a shelf with several horse figurines on it. Another shelf contained a variety of stuffed animals. A few of them looked well worn and quite used while others looked more recently purchased, like they had never been handled. On the bedside table was a lamp with a sunflower shade and a matching alarm clock. On top of the dresser was the note pad and pencil that her kidnapper told her about. Beside it was a piggy bank shaped like a teddy bear. It was empty. I guess Christine took every penny with her when she ran away!
    Laura went into the bathroom and began to explore the contents of it. A linen closet that was well stocked with an assortment of top quality towels and linens for the bed, was to the right. The shower stall was a large one with a glass door and even a place to sit down. The cupboard beneath the sink contained a variety of hygiene supplies. She checked the cabinet above the sink and it found an assortment of cosmetics. Wow! This guy really tried to think of everything. There is even some eye shadow and mascara. Her stomach churned again and she couldn’t imagine wanting to bother with getting fancy with

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