Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1)

Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1) by Teal Haviland Page B

Book: Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1) by Teal Haviland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teal Haviland
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wouldn’t have to see the other students frequently glancing back at her.
    She was very aware that she could still feel Lucas.
    I can’t sense anyone else and know for certain it’s them like I can with Lucas. Why?
    It was very unusual. She was used to being able to pick up on her brethren, even those who had fallen. And, once she met them, she could always recognize them when they were near.
    Gabrielle was no closer to an explanation when class ended. Lucas waited at her desk while she organized her things, and they left the room together. Gabrielle found herself sneaking glances at him when he wasn’t looking as they made their way into the hall.
    She didn’t want to admit that something seemed off to her about him. She felt sure she was supposed to help him, and at the very least, she knew she was supposed to meet him.
    So, what does this mean?
    “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Gabby,” Lucas said as they were about to go separate ways for their next class. “Unless you plan a second attempt on my life in the parking lot after school.” A hint of his crooked smile returned.
    “Very funny,” she responded with a smile on her face and in her tone.
    He was about to say something else, but a slender and very attractive girl, her hair almost as long and dark as Gabrielle’s, cut between them to greet Lucas with a big hug. The girl hung on a little too long, and Gabrielle suddenly felt something that made her more uncomfortable than anything she’d felt in this body, so far.
    Gabrielle wanted the girl to get off Lucas and was more than willing to take care of that physically if needed. She wasn’t sure, but she thought this feeling was probably jealousy. And she now understood why it made people less than reasonable. She wanted to smack the smile off this girl’s face and turn her flirty cooing into sobs of pain. The urge was hard to resist. It would do nothing but make her look like some crazed, jealous teenager. But that was pretty much what she was in this body. Only she was The Angel of Karma, and that made her a crazed, jealous teenager capable of causing this girl a ton of problems.
    Wow … jealousy. This is certainly a first.
    Lucas looked at Gabrielle with surprise and embarrassment. Gabrielle tried to smile to make him feel a little better—maybe herself, too—but she bet it looked more like a grimace.
    “Lucas!” the girl gushed. “I’ve been looking for you all day! If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were avoiding me!”
    Lucas’s jaw tensed, and a scowl furrowed a deep channel between his brows. Gabrielle was sure she could see anger, or possibly contempt, raging in his eyes.
    “If I was trying to avoid you, Mara,” Lucas began, “it would require me to think about you. Which I haven’t.”
    His demeanor suddenly became frigid. The warmth and ease he’d had earlier abandoned him. It was noticeable in the girl’s reaction that it wasn’t what she hoped to elicit from him.
    “ Ooh … feeling a little testy, are we? Are you having a bad day, Lucas? I can make it a lot better for you if you want me to.” Mara was still very close to Lucas. As she spoke to him, she played with the collar of his shirt then traced her finger slowly up toward his ear.
    Gabrielle began clenching and unclenching her fists. If she was in her true form, her color would be turning a deeper crimson the longer that girl continued to hang all over him.
    Yes, this is definitely jealousy.
    Gabrielle did her best not to remove Mara from Lucas. Thankfully, Lucas quickly grabbed Mara’s hand, moving his head away at the same time.
    He glared at Mara.
    “My day was fantastic until about sixty seconds ago. Now, keep your hands off of me. You lost the right to get this close.”
    He was harsh in both expression and tone. Gabrielle wondered what Mara could have done to make him this angry.
    “Fine,” Mara said coolly. She turned and looked at Gabrielle. More like shot daggers out of her yellowish-green eyes—the

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