Infinite Blue Heaven - A King and A Queen
arriving there, I would guess, at a leisurely pace, in ten days time. After a rest there for seven days, we will turn due north and look for a small oasis, the Hahshma, roughly half way between Tiwa and the mountains. It is marked on our deerskin maps but I do not know anyone who has seen it. It would be a legend among my people if it were important. As it is, it is of minor importance, as we never go this way. That is the problem.” He smiled. “I will need to think of a very good reason to be there, in case we are met by the enemy.”
    I knew Tiwa, it was roughly north east of our present camp. I could not immediately think of a good reason for Meth but in any case it would be better if he thought of it. We sat in silence, my hand flipping a pebble, as he thought. Our hard shadows were close around out squatting bodies as the sun slowly rose higher. At last, he cleared his throat.
    “Of course it would be easy to say we had heard of his army and were traveling to trade with him but this would make him too suspicious. No, I think we will say that we have stolen women from Parat City, from the House of the Blue Lantern and are running from your Guards. Do any of your men know what the reason is for your visit?”
    “No. I have not told them yet. Nor will I, probably. However, Geb knows something and he, and perhaps others, will have overheard us speaking at the feast last night. It is not safe to assume they do not know what we are doing.”
    “Hmmph. This is a danger. They may squeal if tortured and even if not!”
    “Then we must tell them. They know the penalty for traitors.”
    “Very well.” He did not look at all happy. “Of course, there is another benefit of this story, it will whet their appetite for the women. Hmmm.” He paused. “There is another matter, which will arise from all this, should we be successful.”
    “You have, no doubt considered that, since we are a southern tribe, from outside your country, showing our allegiance to you in this way will strengthen your standing in the eyes of your enemy. They will think twice before another invasion. But, it may weaken my standing with my southern clients, those who are not of a friendly disposition towards you….”
    “Go on.” I knew Meth was a practical man and although he had a strong grasp of politics, they merely offered a means to an end for him. His tribe were often, wrongly perceived as nothing more than tradesmen or businessmen but in fact loyalty to their tribe came first. He was leading up to something.
    “It would be good, in such a situation, to have somewhere safe to spend the winter months. Presently, we need to keep moving in case we anger the local populations but if we had a small parcel of land…” He looked at me for assignation. I smiled.
    “Perhaps the area from the hills to our camp. From the river’s mouth, two miles west, to an area five miles east?”
    I smiled. “It shall be so and a mile of the land within the hills, just so that you can grow orchards for your delicious grapes.”
“Ah!” He clapped his hands, half out of glee, I fancied.
    We both laughed and after we finished, I spoke. “What happens if you miss the northern Oasis?”
    “You mean the Hahshma? It is of little consequence. We will have enough water to reach the mountains, if need be. We have traveled much further in hard times.”
    “I have thought of another problem. What if the women talk?”
    “Hmm. Yes, that is a good one.”
    I could see this was becoming like an elaborate game of chess for Meth.
    “We will offer them a choice. If we win, they will each gain their freedom and two gold coins.”
“Expensive but effective. I agree.” Two gold coins was more than a year’s wages for most men.
    The rest of the day, for us, was spent in leisure, watching the men or talking tactics. In the evening, again there was a feast with dancing and singing. I retired early. I was woken by Meth, just before dawn.
    “Geb is here.”

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