INK: Fine Lines (Book 1)
and come to my house.”
    I want to protest, but honestly I can’t face this right now. I’m exhausted. I just want to wash my feet and fall into bed, but since my home is completely torn apart it will be a while before I can rest.
    “Okay, let me shower and change first.”
    Eli lets a relieved smile pass over his lips.
    Eli pulls his Mercedes directly into the immaculate garage. He trots around to my side of the car, always the perfect gentleman. It’s as though I’m totally trained to stay put until he opens the door. He offers his hand to lift me out. “I’ll get your bag out of the trunk. Make yourself at home.”
    I walk through the doorway that leads into the house straight to the kitchen. It’s always amazed me that Eli feels  the need to have such a grand house. It’s only him and   occasionally his wayward brother Jerry.
    Rex comes bounding into the kitchen, tackling me. “Rex, oh what a good boy!” I scratch him behind the ears, his tail wagging at neck-breaking speeds.
    There is a bowl of fruit sitting on the dark granite counter. That’s when I realize how hungry I am.
    “Your dad said he would be by later so we can talk about our next steps. He said he was glad you decided not to stay at your house tonight.” Eli puts the bag down in the foyer and walks into the kitchen. “Are you hungry? Harry said I needed to  feed  you.” He puts a funny emphasis on ‘feed’ like some Little Shop of Horrors throwback. He’s trying to be cute; it’s working.
    I take a seat at the breakfast bar, facing toward the kitchen. “I’m starving.” I consciously eye the fruit again, leaning forward on the counter.
    Eli gets a playfully wild look, takes a shiny red apple from the bowl and polishes it with his shirt. He rests his elbows on the counter across from me. Commanding my gaze with a hungry look he unfurls the apple from his hands. “Forbidden fruit?”
    I can feel the rush of color fill my cheeks. I smile at his silliness. “Why, yes please.” I take the apple and bite into it. I love being able to feel silly with him; a playful exchange is exactly what the doctor ordered.
    “What else would you like? Woman can’t live on forbidden fruit alone.” Eli opens the freezer to survey the offerings. “I have steaks, chicken, chops…” He turns around, facing me. “Anything sound good?”
    “I really don’t care; whatever you want is good with me.” I say, still crunching on my apple.
    “Chinese food it is.” Eli has the Hibiscus Gardens on one-touch speed dial.
    How is that Eli can wash away the pain of a day like today? The realization hits me. This has been Eli’s role in my life for years. It seems like he’s always picking up the pieces that have crumbled at my feet.
    I move into the great room to a comfy spot on the couch. Even though we rarely spent time here while we were dating, I’ve always felt comfortable in his house. It’s a very masculine, rich mahogany in the living room. One thing I do appreciate is that it smells like Eli. I could bathe myself in his scent for comfort, it’s better than cookies. Huh, that’s what kind of bath basket Trish should have gotten me for my birthday: Eli flavor. My mind begins to race to places it really shouldn’t. Not now, not with all that’s happening.
    I look around at the walls. I’m amazed he still has my artwork hanging in here. I get up to look at a piece I did in charcoal of him and me together. I press my fingers on the glass. Eli comes up behind me and puts his fingertips just above mine on the portrait and slides them down to meet mine. I lean back into him and close my eyes to relish in the safety and calm of him.
    He intertwines our fingers, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “Penny for your thoughts.”
    The memories come flooding back to me and I can’t help but revisit that day. I was at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in Atlanta and he was just starting law school at Emory. I was drowning my sorrows at the

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