Taken By Storm

Taken By Storm by Donna Fletcher

Book: Taken By Storm by Donna Fletcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Fletcher
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anyone should be captured, it will be up to the other group to free everyone.”
    “Hear that, Malcolm?” Tanin teased. “Don’t make us free your sorry ass again.”
    “Watch it, Tanin, or I might be tempted not to rescue you when you get caught.”
    Angus gave a hardy laugh, his wide girth rolling with the timbre. “Tanin has never been captured.”
    “There’s always a first time.” Malcolm grinned.
    Storm let the men have their fun. It was their way before a rescue, teasing one another, yet knowing each one of them would do whatever was necessary to help the others. Her small group had formed a bond that had strengthened with time and would no doubt grow even stronger.
    Her instincts had been right about each man she had chosen. Their personalities had varied, but they possessed equal strength and determination and were willing to work for a common cause—thebetterment and equality of the Scottish people.
    “Ready yourselves,” Storm informed them. “We leave in ten minutes.” She turned to Burke. “Go with Malcolm. He will show you what weapons are available for your use.”
    “Do you trust him?” Tanin asked when Burke was out of sight.
    “I see no reason not to, though sometimes it is what we don’t see that can harm us.”
    “It’s odd, don’t you think, that William and Philip should be captured while on a mission concerning him?”
    The thought had crossed her mind briefly, but she had dismissed it. Should she have? Should she be more vigilant about Mr. Longton? Or had her character judgment been correct? Was he truly an honest man?
    “It may be a coincidence, and I got the impression that you favor Burke Longton,” Storm said.
    “He is a skilled man, but he’s not a Scotsman.”
    She smiled. “So are you saying he can’t be trusted?”
    “I’m saying that he has skills that can help us, but we should still be cautious until we can determine for a fact that he can be trusted.”
    “I would not place the group in jeopardy.”
    “I know that, and I know if it proves necessary you will rid the group of Mr. Longton,” Tanin said. “Now it’s time for me to get ready. I will take Burke in my group.”
    “No,” Storm said. “You and Angus will take thecreek path. Malcolm and Burke will travel the northeast path with me.”
    “As you say,” Tanin said with a nod.
    It was easy for her to tell when Tanin disagreed with her decisions. His manner became rigid, his responses curt. “You don’t agree. Speak your mind, Tanin, I expect it of you.”
    He didn’t waste a minute. “Malcolm has yet to rein in his overzealous enthusiasm when on a mission and Burke is still a stranger to us. Leaving you to—”
    “Teach Malcolm the finer skills of fighting and learn more about Burke. Trust me.”
    “I always have or I wouldn’t follow you. But know this—if either one gets you in trouble, they’ll be answering to me.”
    Storm smiled. “I’d have it no other way.”
    Hours after they left the camp, Storm signaled for Burke and Malcolm to stop. This was the point where she expected the soldiers to be waiting. The three crouched down and Storm used a stick to scratch a diagram in the earth of where she felt the soldiers lay in wait.
    Burke offered a plan of action and Storm agreed. It took only minutes to capture the three soldiers, two of whom had been sleeping.
    Hands tied, mouths gagged, the soldiers were led along the path with them. It was another hour before they heard the clang of swords and surmised that Tanin and Angus were in the thick of battle.
    Storm ordered Malcolm to tie the prisoners to atree before she and Burke took off and leaped in to join the melee.
    They were outnumbered for sure, but not out-skilled. Storm attempted to make her way to free William and Philip of their restraints. It proved difficult until Burke caught on to her actions and jumped in front of her, fighting off the enemy with a sword. A weapon he had claimed he had no skill with, though it looked

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