intentionally avoided Thor’s dreams. From the way he behaved, I was pretty sure they involved cutting people into bite-sized pieces.
    “Perfect.” I watched Thor’s massive shoulders as he followed Jeff across the front of the stage. “Tell me why he picked soccer again?”
    Finn frowned. “I’m amazed they let him on the team, after his stunt last year.”
    “No kidding.” I shook my head and grabbed another stack of chairs. “Apparently when you’re huge and fast, it doesn’t matter if you break your teammate’s leg your first time on the field.”
    “Good thing Jeff volunteered to teach him the rules.” Finn pulled another chair off his stack and set it down a little harder than he intended. “He really wasn’t getting the whole non-contact-sport part.”
    Thor’s baseline emotional state seemed to be pure fury. It had really bothered me at first, especially since at his monstrous 6’5”, he was six inches taller than me and built like a brick wall. But I’d gotten used to it. From his attitude and the dark pit stains on his shirt, I guessed God had given him a serious overdose in the testosterone department.
    Addie walked up with Mia as Finn slammed another chair down. “Easy there. The chairs don’t work as well when you break them in half.”
    Finn jerked his head toward Thor’s back. “We’re taking bets on whose leg he’ll break this year. You in?”
    Addie laughed, but then crossed her arms over her chest. “You wouldn’t think it was so funny if it turned out to be you.” She shook her head and lowered her voice. “Liv Campbell was crying in the girl’s bathroom the other day—I swear I heard her say his name.”
    “What do you mean?” Finn turned to face her. “Why would she be upset about Thor?”
    “Maybe he scared her?” Addie shrugged. “I didn’t hear much, but she was really upset.”
    “See what I mean? Girls make no sense.” Finn shook his head. “Liv is hot, but if she’s interested in Thor, she deserves a special kind of padded room.”
    I saw Mia flinch, but then she laughed it off. “And you’re an expert?”
    “Yes.” Finn looked at her for a second and then tilted his head to one side. “Aren’t you?”
    Mia smiled. “Do either of you even talk to him, or do you just hate him because he’s bigger than you?”
    I leaned over to grab another stack of chairs. “Because he’s bigger than us. Besides, talking to him would require him to learn English.”
    Finn stood with his legs spread wide and an exaggerated look of anger plastered on his face. “Thor no need English. Thor God of Thunder!” He beat his chest with his fists.
    As if on cue, thunder rumbled outside. The walls shook and both girls laughed.
    I raised my eyebrows and pulled the last chair off the stack. “Nice.”
    “Thank you very much.” He bowed with a grin. “I’ll be here all week.”
    Mia took a seat and I sat down beside her. Addie stood in front of us with a surprised expression, then sat down on the other side of Mia.
    “So, where did you live before this?” I asked.
    Mia looked at the floor for a few seconds, her face hard to read. “Somewhere else.”
    I laughed. “At least you didn’t lie this time.”
    Finn leaned down and whispered, “She’s a foster kid, dude. Maybe she doesn’t want to talk about where she came from.”
    I winced and nodded—total idiot.
    Lowering my voice, I tried to sound casual. “Will you tell me why you told me your name was Megan, then?”
    She pursed her lips, then they curved up. “I don’t know. Stranger danger?”
    “Fair enough.” I leaned in. “But you’re sticking with Mia? Because any more names might confuse me.”
    She shrugged. “For now.”
    Jeff walked to the front of the stage and motioned for everyone to quiet down. Members of both soccer teams started finding seats.
    Finn flopped down on my other side and leaned across Mia and me to talk to Addie. “Please tell me you didn’t join the soccer team, because I

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