think that’s the only thing that could make it any worse.”
    Addie raised her nose a little and ignored him, but Mia responded with a sweet smile. “Coach Carter asked her to stay for the meeting. She’s helping with practices. Apparently she learned some awesome stretches to help us warm up and cool down. I really hope she doesn’t teach any of them to the boys’ team, though. You guys deserve a little pain.”
    Finn’s eyes widened and he put his hands over his heart and groaned. Mia and I snickered just before Jeff started talking.
    “Thanks for coming to this pre-season meeting on such short notice. I promise we won’t keep you long. Just have to do a quick poll and discuss some schedule issues.” Jeff smiled and glanced at the coaches, who nodded before he continued. “After a little begging, I convinced the coaches to let me lead some extra practices this year, before regular practice starts. This is my last year. The last year for all the seniors. And we should work even harder to make it our best year yet. Anyone have any thoughts or objections?”
    The group was silent. I was watching Jeff’s shoes and trying really hard not to tune him out. Finn elbowed me in the side and I glanced up to see everyone’s eyes on me. I blinked, and then remembered I was co-captain.
    “What do you think, Parker?” one of the midfielders asked from the other side of the room.
    “I think Jeff’s right,” I said. “The state finals last year were tough. I’d like to feel more prepared going into it this year.”
    Several heads nodded and everyone turned back to Jeff. He smiled. “I’d like to start with one joint practice with the girls’ team.” A couple guys groaned, but he continued. “Teaching the girls some of the drills we run will only help us get them down better.”
    A couple of the girls crossed their arms over their chests and frowned. I sat forward, wanting to end any argument before it started. “Hey, the girls’ basketball team always kicks butt, and they could give a ton of pointers to the boys’ team if they wanted to. This isn’t about gender; it’s about a team that works and a team that struggles. Maybe we can help each other.”
    A few girls nodded, looking somewhat appeased. Everyone turned back and waited for Jeff to continue. He met my eyes for a second or two in the silence before he went on. I forced myself not to look away until he did, even though my instincts made me want to. It wasn’t even lunch yet. I had plenty of time to make eye contact with Mia after the meeting. I wouldn’t be stuck with Jeff tonight.
    “Great. The joint practice will replace the individual practice we had tentatively scheduled for today after school. I want to see all of you there.”
    Jeff walked to a chair by Thor and took a seat as Coach Mahoney and Coach Carter stood up and started talking about new strategies and what they wanted us to focus on during Jeff’s practices. Coach Mahoney wrapped things up by saying, “Coach Carter and I will attend the joint practice today. After that, your team captains will be organizing and leading the individual team pre-season practices. Any questions?”
    He was already backing toward the stairs. He only waited a moment, then gave a quick nod and said, “Dismissed.”
    I stood and walked over to Jeff. He looked fine, but I noticed the little things, like the way he kept stuffing his hands into his pockets and then pulling them out again. He was frustrated and I couldn’t blame him—this was new territory, being forced to share leadership of the team. He didn’t like that the guys had asked what I thought.
    “Sorry about that,” I said. “I think your plan’s great. Guess the team just wanted to make sure we agreed.”
    Jeff’s smile was tight, but he shrugged. “You’re the co-captain.” Then he turned to face a couple other guys from the team.
    I went down the stairs leading off the stage and crossed to the auditorium exit. Mia and Addie were

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