Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 1)
rough motion that flexed the muscles of his forearm, and brought his knuckles hard against her entrance. At last one hard thrust tipped her over the edge again, in another powerful orgasm – different from the last one, rippling and throbbing deeper inside her this time.
    When the final waves had subsided, he pulled his fingers out of her. He got up from the sofa and pushed her legs together and down, as if he realized how weak and shaky they were. Then, he stood up and shook himself, with the air of having completed something. Isabel turned onto her side and curled her knees towards her body. She hadn’t recovered enough to say anything yet. The Wolf paced around the room, as if unsure what to do with himself. She watched his light, athletic gait, once again admiring his muscular physique. Her gaze flickered over his crotch. He looked as aroused as before, but she knew better than to try to touch him again. She had the strong impression they were done for the day.
    “Where’s the bathroom?” she asked at last.
    “Through that door and down the passage,” he replied, indicating the door he’d disappeared through earlier. Isabel stood up, a little shakily.
    “I’ll just put my dress on,” she said, walking over to it.
    “No, don’t!” he said, in a sharp tone. She looked at him questioningly. “When I said I wanted you to be naked in my house, I meant all the time.”
    “But – ”
    “Are you cold? I can make the fire bigger?” he asked.
    “No,” she replied. “I’m fine.”
    “Ok, good. It’s this way.” He opened the door and let her through.
    Isabel walked down the passageway, trying to ignore the strangeness of walking around an unfamiliar place naked. She passed the kitchen, and found the bathroom easily. As she was washing her hands, she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her hair was wrecked, but her cheeks were glowing, and her eyes sparkled. That’s what great sex does for you . As she straightened up from the sink, she saw that her nipples were still hard, and a tender, bruised pink. She circled one with a fingertip, remembering the feeling of The Wolf feeding from her body. Her clit gave a little jump. She sighed; she didn’t know when she’d been this insatiable.
    Isabel dried her hands and went back into the living room. Peter was sitting on the sofa. He smiled at her, a little lazily. She forced herself not to look at his crotch, to see whether there was still that distracting bulge in his pants.
    “Shall we sleep now?” he asked. Isabel paused for a second, thinking. Sleeping at his place hadn’t been on her agenda. She’d assumed that a hook-up usually ended with you parting ways, and going home alone. But maybe it was his plan to finally take her when they were in bed together.
    “Yes,” she said, hesitantly.
    “Good,” he replied. “Just a moment.” He left the room and returned a moment later with some blankets and pillows. He threw the pillows on the animal skin rugs and piled the blankets next to them.
    “We’re going to sleep here?” Isabel asked.
    “Of course. You don’t like it?” Peter’s brow furrowed and there was suddenly an uncertainty in his eyes she hadn’t seen before.
    “No! Of course I do,” she said, hurriedly. “I was just confirming.” She gave him a broad smile, eager to distract him from his discomfort.
    Peter put his arms around her waist and pulled her to the ground beside him. She turned and looked at him.
    “So, while you’ve been insisting that I remain naked in your house, I can’t help noticing that you haven’t taken any clothes off, at all,” she said.
    “Oh,” Peter looked at his clothes absently. “I guess you’re right,” he said, and in a swift movement, he pulled his sweater over his head. Isabel gaped at him. The shape of his body with clothes on had promised a good physique, but this was better than she could have imagined. His torso was as strongly muscled as his forearms, with well-developed pecs,

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