Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 1)
immaculate abs, and those diagonal grooves beginning at his hip bones and just visible above the waistband of his jeans that drove her crazy. His shoulders were massive, and his collarbones were perfectly offset by his musculature. He had a light sprinkling of hair between his pecs, and his olive skin had the same fine texture as on his face. In short, it was her fantasy body, and more. She noticed that he didn’t seem aware of her reaction. Despite the many hours he must have put in to get his body to that state, he didn’t preen, like the gym bunnies back home who had less than half as good a body as him. She started to compliment him, then stopped. It seemed wrong, somehow, but she wasn’t even sure why. But she wasn’t going to let him off the hook either.
    “And your pants?” she said.
    “No,” he said, simply. Now she couldn’t help glancing at his crotch. His erection looked as big as before. Isabel was totally confused. This was the first guy she’d heard of playing hard to get.
    The Wolf encircled her waist with his thick, corded forearm and pulled her against his body, before sliding down so they were lying on the rugs. He pulled one of the grey blankets over them. Isabel sighed. The animal skins felt so incredibly comfortable, as did the blanket, but The Wolf’s body was something else entirely. His torso was like velvet pressing against her back, and she was hyper-aware of his muscles, touching her all over, surrounding her. She felt totally wrapped up in his body, and curiously safe. But then, at the same time, there was his erection pressing against her ass. His pelvis kept making little movements, and stopping again, as if he could barely keep it under control.
    “Good night,” Peter whispered in her ear. His hand slid up her body and cupped her left breast and he pressed his body against her tightly. Within seconds, Isabel heard his breathing slow and deepen, and she knew he’d fallen asleep. She wriggled her ass away from him. There was no way she was going to get any sleep with his cock rubbing against her like that. She also hadn’t slept with someone wrapped around her like that for a long time, and, protected as he made her feel, she also felt tiny, like he could turn over in his sleep and crush her.
    Although it was perfectly dark with the shutters closed, it took her a while to fall into a proper sleep. For a long time, she only seemed to be dozing, distracted by The Wolf’s body, by the feel of his skin on hers. Intermittently, he grabbed her in his sleep, pulling her hips towards him, and she felt his erection big against her ass again. Every time he woke her out of her doze like this, she stared into the blackness, trying to work out why he didn’t have sex with her.
    When Isabel awoke, she felt like she’d slept deeply, and her body was supple and relaxed. Through a tiny gap between the shutters, she could make out a shard of daylight. She was lying on her back with the blanket pulled up and The Wolf wasn’t beside her. She sat up and peered around the gloom. He didn’t seem to be in the room either. She stood up, disorientated, and looked around until she located her handbag. She walked over and took her phone out. It was 9am, and she could see now that he definitely wasn’t in the room. She also had to pee, badly. Her dress was still lying beside her bag, and she looked at it, desperate to put it on. Instead she obeyed The Wolf’s orders, and once again padded into the corridor naked.
    The Wolf wasn’t in the kitchen or the bathroom. Isabel came back into the living room and sat on the sofa, deliberating over what to do. It seemed strange leaving without saying goodbye, but she wanted to go home and digest the night’s events. Finally, she went with her strongest impulse. She slipped her dress back on, and stepped into her heels. Taking a last look around, she walked out of the house, pulling the door shut behind her.
    As Isabel got into her car, the bright morning sky

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