Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 1)
uncomfortable, but, she admitted to herself, even more turned on. She must be crazy wet by now, leaving him in no doubt how much she wanted him. She tried to stay relaxed as he took his time examining her most intimate area. Her eyes had fallen closed again, so she missed the moment when his head ducked down, and his tongue lapped at her aching clit. Her pelvis jolted once more, but he was ready for her, and he’d pinned her thighs down hard enough that her body barely moved. He licked her again and again, moving in tiny circles, and she loved being restrained so firmly while enjoying this exquisite sensation.
    After a moment, he moved off her clit and she made a sound of disappointment. But this gave way to a sigh of pleasure as his tongue flickered at her entrance, and then slipped inside her.
    “Oh my god!” she said aloud. His long tongue probed into her deeply, as it had into her mouth. She felt it undulating, licking at her insides, in a way that didn’t seem humanly possible. She began to breathe hard; his tongue was moving in her with a rhythm that was going to tip her over the edge before long. Her hands snatched at the sofa, digging in, and her hips were making little bucking motions. Peter withdrew his tongue from her, and fastened his mouth on her clit again. At the same time that his tongue was lapping at the tip, he began to suck, at first gently, then harder. She could also feel his teeth nibbling at her, softly enough not to hurt. It was a powerful, sensation, one she’d never had before, and yet again, she had the oddly pleasurable sense that he was feeding from her. She didn’t have long to think about it, because soon her body couldn’t take any more. She began to shudder all over, her vision darkened and she was falling. And then she exploded. Shooting stars of pleasure radiated from her clit and she orgasmed hard in the mouth of The Wolf.
    For what seemed like a long time, Isabel lay motionless, her mind full of stars, and nothing else. The Wolf sat up, licking his lips, with a smile. Isabel looked at his face, at the mouth that had just given her one of the best orgasms of her life. Then she looked down at his erection pressing against his pants. It was huge, barely contained by the material. Exhausted by her orgasm though she was, desire stirred in her again. She badly wanted him inside her. She pulled herself into a sitting position and brought her mouth to his, reaching for his crotch. But, as soon as she touched him, he swatted her hand away. His left hand caught a fistful of hair at the back of her neck, while his right hand grasped her wrist, tightly enough to hurt.
    “Not today,” he said. Isabel looked at him, deeply confused, and opened her mouth to speak. “Not today,” he repeated, cutting her off. He released her wrist and hair and brusquely pushed her back down. He looked down at her, his eyes boring into hers.
    “I haven’t finished with you yet though,” he said.
    In a swift movement, he arched over her again, and roughly pushed several fingers inside her. Isabel yelped, partly in shock, and partly at the sensation on her still-sensitized nerve endings. Ignoring her, The Wolf started to thrust his fingers in and out of her. They were so long and thick, they felt a lot like a cock, she thought dazedly. As his hand moved back and forth, the feeling of his finger joints rubbing against her smooth walls was incredible. Unconsciously, she began to rock her pelvis in time to his rhythm. He was sitting back again, watching her from the distance of his considerable height, seeing the effect his hand was having on her.
    “You like to be fucked like this?” he asked, his voice startling her after speaking so little.
    “Yes,” she managed to say, breathlessly.
    “Can you come like this?”
    “I think so.” And she could feel another orgasm building up, her muscles clenching his fingers tightly, willing him to move deeper and harder inside her. He started fucking her faster, a

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