mate’s parents,” he responded with a grin. “Plus, I wouldn’t have gotten to play with my new ‘toy’.”
Jo chuckled and slipped her fingers around his as they walked down the stairs together. “Our condo is on the eleventh floor so we have a few flights to go.”
Manota squeezed her fingers as he felt her shiver. “Things will work out. Your parents, you said they are very accepting of those who are different from them?” He asked.
Jo grinned up at him. “You wouldn’t have any doubt about that if you saw some of the people we have met over the years. They will love you because I do,” she added with a shy smile.
She still couldn ’t believe that such an incredible guy would pick her out of all the women he had known. She scowled as she remembered just how many there had been. It still ticked her off at times when she thought about it. A shiver of uncertainty swept through her as she thought about the other women. What if he got tired of her? What if…
She looked up startled when she felt herself pushed up against the wall suddenly. Manota ’s lips came down over hers in a desperate kiss. He groaned as he wrapped his hands around her slim waist and lifted her up, pressing his hard body between her legs as he deepened the kiss. Jo was gasping for air by the time he released her lips.
“ What was that for?” She asked breathlessly.
Manota stared determinedly into her eyes. “I did not like the expression on your face. You were not thinking good thoughts and I want, I need, you to think good thoughts,” he admitted leaning his forehead against hers. “I am nervous your parents will try to deny my claim on you,” he added grudgingly.
“ They are going to love you,” she promised brushing a tender kiss against his mouth. “You….”
Jo ’s voice faded when Manota suddenly froze. His face stilled as he listened into the comlink he wore for a moment. A look of disbelief crossed his face before he closed his eyes and leaned his head forward until it rested in the curve of Jo’s neck. Jo held him as his body shuddered, holding him tight. She didn’t know what had happened but something very important must have been conveyed over the brief message.
“ Manota? What is it?” Jo asked hesitantly. “What happened?”
Manota raised his head back far enough so he could look back down into Jo ’s worried blue gaze. He opened his mouth, closed it, took a deep breath and tried again. This time a huge smile lit up his face.
“ K’tar just relayed that there is a chance that Jazin may be alive,” he said hoarsely, overcome for a moment with emotion. “Father, Torak and Gril Tal Mod are going after him.”
“ Oh Manota, that is wonderful,” Jo cried out, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. “How? What happened?” She asked pulling further away.
“ I do not know,” he said, setting her back on her feet. “I will find out more as soon as we return to the warship. Jo, my brother is alive. He has to be,” he whispered hoarsely.
Jo reached up and ran the palm of her right hand down his cheek in a gentle caress. She didn ’t say anything, instead letting her touch show that she understood the overwhelming feelings he couldn’t express out loud. She ran her hands down his arms and threaded her fingers through his, tugging him down the stairs behind her. It was time to get her parents and return home. A smile curved her lips. She thought of Kassis as her home now. Her home filled with big bad warriors, crazy bad guys, and weird science fiction technology that was really cool.
Jo paused as they reached the eleventh floor. She and Star had a corner apartment not far from the stairwell. She pushed the door open and peeked into the hallway. She turned back and placed her hand on Manota ’s chest. He wasn’t going to like this part but she needed to get the door open to her condo and since she didn’t have her key with her she was going to have to use the spare they had
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