Jo's Journey

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Book: Jo's Journey by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
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hidden in the huge potted plant near the elevator. The last thing she wanted was for him to use his ‘toy’ on her condo door. That would scream ‘break in’ and someone would call the police.
    “ I have to get the key we hid,” she explained quietly. “I need you to stay here and wait for me to open the condo door. It is right across the hall from here. I’ll be right back,” she whispered.
    “ Why can I not go with you?” He demanded, frowning down at her.
    Jo took a step back and looked at Manota. She saw a huge ass male bigger than any human, black leather, short military haircut, dark skin with muscles on top of muscles, a laser sword strapped to his hip, knives strapped to each massive forearm, more across his chest, a laser pistol on his other hip, and dark burning eyes that screamed alien! No, he was not going with her. The first neighbor to see him would be calling the Army, Air Force, National Guard, and God forbid, the NSA. No, it was safer for her to go alone.
    “Just - stay!” She said in exasperation knowing he would not be happy either way. “I’ll be back in a flash.”
    Jo didn’t wait long enough to give Manota a chance to protest. She opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. If she was lucky, none of the neighbors would be coming or going at this time of night. She walked quickly down the hallway to the huge gold painted planter holding a fake palm tree in it that stood next to the elevators. She knelt down next to it, running her fingers along the base looking for the small gap at the back. She breathed a sigh of relief when her fingers swept by the opening. Feeling around, her fingers scraped the tape holding the key in place. Working her fingers in the narrow space, she almost had it when the whole planter lifted up. Startled, she emitted a surprised squeal and fell backwards, landing on her butt with a soft humph.
    “ It will be faster and easier if you do not have to search for it,” Manota said calmly.
    Jo groaned out in aggravation as she twisted back onto her knees. Picking at the tape, she gave a low growl as it came free. She hissed as Manota set the planter back down and picked her up by her arms as if she was a toy doll.
    “You were supposed to wait for me in the stairwell!” She bit out as she turned to head back down the corridor. She groaned when the elevator dinged as she took the first step. “Damn it!” Jo looked frantically around before shoving Manota back against the wall. “Pick up the damn planter. Hurry!” She hissed as the doors started to open.
    Jo plastered a big smile on her face hoping it was someone visiting and they wouldn ’t recognize her. Her mouth dropped open when a tall male stepped out into the corridor. The male hesitated for a moment, his eyes growing huge before a big grin crossed his rangy features. The next thing Jo knew long arms wrapped around her, pulling her close as a set of firm lips covered hers.
    Oh shit, Jo thought just before all hell broke loose.

Chapter 8
    “Put this on the bump, Tony, it should help the swelling go down,” Jo murmured, handing an ice pack to Antonio Vega, elephant trainer extraordinaire and Jo’s tenacious but hopeless suitor. She shook her head as she turned and picked her way through her overly crowded apartment. “Excuse me, Stan. How are you doing, Kid? Hi, Marcus. Nice to see you again, Curly. I like your new look, Suzy.”
    Jo did a great imitation of hopscotch as she stepped over the six dancing dogs that Mattie never went anywhere without. She kissed Marvin and Martin on the cheek as they silently opened the imaginary door leading to the only place that wasn ’t overcrowded – of sorts. Five out of the six chairs were filled at the oval dinette set. Marvin and Martin turned and stood at attention as if they were guards protecting the queen’s gold or Fort Knox. Jo let out a deep sigh as she stared at the stony look of rage frozen on Manota’s face as he stood with his back

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