Terrance opened his mouth and then shut it back closed. He was so tired of hearing Tony talk, especially since he almost never made any sense. “You just ain’t never gonna get it Tone. I ain’t gonna waste my breath on you.”
“Fuck you nigga, you don’t know everything.”
I know one thing , Terrance thought. I need to get this fool out my house before I kick his ass.
“Yo listen Tone, I gotta be up in the morning for work so if you don’t mind…” Terrance said, getting up from his seat yet again. Tony sucked his teeth, rolled his eyes and followed suit.
“Yea, I get the message. Anyways, I got the dumb chick waiting in the car for me,” Tony snickered. In his near drunken state, he was just letting whatever came to mind roll off of his tongue.
“Wait, hol up. You got this girl sitting outside all this time while you in here with me?” Terrance asked incredulously.
“Yea, I just told you we came back from Red Lobster’s,” Tony said, screwing up his face as he went down to the door.
“Why didn’t you just bring her up here wit you? I wouldn’t have minded. That’s fucked up for you to be chillin’ in here all this time,” Terrance said, shaking his head as he opened the door for Tony to leave. He was starting to get more and more relieved each time Tony was leaving. He almost wished that Tony didn’t know where he lived so he wouldn’t keep popping up at his house unannounced.
“Cause she ain’t worth meeting my friends and shit. She more of a side jawn than anything,” Tony explained and then gave Terrance a pound. “Aiight man.”
A side jawn, and you laying up in her house like you live there , Terrance thought. What about Quanisha?
Tony came to the driver’s side of the car and saw Jenny sitting there strapped in with her hands on the wheel.
“Move over,” he said signaling to her through the window by pointing to the passenger side.
“No, I’m driving, go ahead to the passenger side. You had too much to drink Tony.”
“What? I said I want to drive, now move over,” he said in a more agitated tone of voice.
Jenny just sat there and looked forward out of the windshield, hoping that he would just go over to the passenger’s seat. Tony was about to grab the door handle, but changed his mind when he got a better idea.
“Oh aiight then. You wanna be like that then fine, I ain’t got time for this mess tonight. You go ahead home, I’m stayin’ with my boy Ran,” he said as he headed back toward the house. Jenny opened the door and flew out of the car.
“No no, I don’t want you staying here tonight. Alright, you can drive. Just promise you’ll be careful okay?” Jenny asked.
Tony smirked as he slowly turned back around and got into the car. He always got his way with Jenny, and he loved it.
They reached home, just barely since Tony was driving like a fool and Jenny was so sure that they would be pulled over. Tony got out and lit up his last cigarette. He walked up to the house as he was pulling out the key that Jenny had given him to the house.
“Anthony, baby, could you please smoke that out here? I don’t want the smoke smell in my house.”
“Geez, it’s just one cigarette, give me a break!” he said as he fumbled with the keys and held the screen door open. Before he could even put the key in the door, the cigarette slipped out of his fingers and fell behind the bushes.
“Shit!” he exclaimed. “That was my last one!”
Tony jumped down off the stairs and started searching through the thick bushes for the burning cigarette. Jenny stood behind him watching to make sure nothing caught fire. After several minutes of searching, and being pricked by the harsh brush, he finally saw the cigarette butt, which had miraculously burned up to the filter in that short amount of time, but hadn’t burned anything else.
“Damn!” he said, now on edge because he was looking forward to that cigarette. Now on his knees, he picked up the cigarette
Gérard de Nerval
A.M. Evanston
Rick Bass
Mac Park
Doug Wythe, Andrew Merling, Roslyn Merling, Sheldon Merling
Susan Stephens
J.A. Whiting
Pamela Clare
Langston Hughes
Gilliam Ness