KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 02 - May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris

KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 02 - May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris by KC Frantzen

Book: KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 02 - May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris by KC Frantzen Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Frantzen
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Dogs - Paris
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winter… Papa was so weak… Miaow. Ze vehicle never stopped.”
    He’s suffering, his breathing quick. “Léonce, I’m so sorry.”
    How could I have been so inconsiderate? He said his papa was in pain until he died.
    I extend a paw but he starts pacing. “As I dragged his body inside ze grounds, his lifeblood trailed ze ground. I found a proper location for burial. No time for grief. I had to survive…”
    So, so lonely… I’ve lost my family too. Will I see them again? Whimper .
    His eyes refocus on mine. “Three winters have passed. Some of ze clowder–”
    “Clowder, ze group.”
    “Oh. I call it a pack.”
    “Ze clowder is made of offspring of ze evil ones who hurt Papa. Director is ze leader. So I ruin their plans. When I am able, as Papa taught me, I help heal strays or injured who come. Like you.”
    I limp closer. “I try and remember things happen for a reason. Most times I don’t realize what it is ‘till later.”
    “There is no reason for anything.”
    “Is too. Sometimes I learn a better way, sometimes not. Even when I mess up, which is often but who’s counting, things work out. But there’s always a reason. You’ll see.”
    My stomach gurgles again and he licks his lips.
    “We shall eat. Come.” He butchers the pigeon, thoughtfully sharing a nice portion before taking some for himself.
    Raw? I hesitate then, “ Merci .” Chomp.
    Plleeaakh. Feathers. Better observe how to do this properly.

    I stretch carefully then get out of bed.
    Under his watchful care the past few days, my leg and shoulder are improved though I still walk a bit funny. Nothing new. I must heal quickly, alert the authorities and return to boot camp. If I don’t, how will Rukan be brought to justice?
    One thing for certain, I’m ready for my first venture outside. Léonce said to take it slow and stay nearby in case I have to hide. Better avoid temptation though. Last time I didn’t, that hawk about got me. Correction, the VERY last time, I was dognapped. Sigh.
    Speaking of… It’s funny how catnap and dognap mean entirely different things.
    Umph . The stone slides out. Ahh. Sunshine, stories on the breeze. It’s definitely good to be alive.
    I scoot the stone into place and step away. Amazing how concealed it is.
    And I’m off!
    Here’s a marker with my name, the old one anyway. Dad said “Princess” didn’t fit me. Judging from these superb decorations, it was suitable for Princess Leila Pahlavi.
    I gimp along, testing my shoulder, sniffing.
    A couple pauses at the grave of Édouard Manet – “No, darling. Manet, not Monet” – and searches their map for Claude Debussy.
    Maybe famous humans are buried here.
    After exploring several cobbled paths I stop short. There’s a thin cowered figure, all in black, huddled on a stone slab. Odd on such a beautiful day. April surely wouldn’t approve of his posture.
    Maybe this is the young human Léonce mentioned?
    I sit downwind. Sniff . Dreary Boy! I’ll rest my shoulder and observe, unnoticed I hope, if that gang is around.
    He seems to be thinking, then pulls out a small black notebook and starts to write. He pauses sometimes, but never looks up. Maybe so he can see through all that hair in his eyes, speaking of which, I need a groom very soon.
    He doesn’t act like an anarchist. He’s quiet, not angry enough. And he did try to hold back the gang attack. But why was he inside the lady Marie’s? And who is Director?
    Bees hum around us, waltzing between some flowers. Sun shimmers on water in a bucket, reflecting a lovely sky. There he sits, scrawling on his paper.
    Rip. He crushes a page and lobs it into the trash bin, begins again. And again.
    Shudder . I am in a cemetery, but… I feel something, a presence, a whisper…
    “Alexis he is called.”
    My head whips around. “Léonce! You MUST teach me to walk so quietly.”
    He seems amused. “When you have properly healed, oui ?”

    “Wait. Did you say Alexis? So that’s Dreary

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