The Scandal in Kissing an Heir

The Scandal in Kissing an Heir by Sophie Barnes

Book: The Scandal in Kissing an Heir by Sophie Barnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Barnes
Tags: Fiction, Historical Romance
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    Daniel took a deep, steadying breath. The insinuation that Lady Nuit—correction, Lady Rebecca—had been shot because of him made him sick.
    “An explanation is most certainly in order,” Lord Grifton agreed.
    “Right.” Lady Grifton crossed her arms and raised her chin, her expression scornful. “And as soon as she’s recovered, she’s marrying one of those suitors. Why, it’s clear as day what she’s been playing at these past two years. Well, the game’s up. She’ll do her duty if I have to drag her to the altar myself!”
    The dowager duchess raised her head, eyes wide with alarm. “Lady Grifton, I understand that you must be stunned to find Lady Rebecca here. I have to admit that it is unexpected. But please try to calm down. She needs rest and medical attention. In fact, she’s welcome to remain here until she recovers if that would be—”
    “Thank you, Your Grace, that’s very generous of you, but it’s also completely out of the question,” Lady Grifton said. “We’re taking her back to Roselyn Castle with us as soon as the doctor has seen to her. She can get the same amount of rest there as she can here, and I can assure you that now that I’m aware of her scheming ways, I’ll be keeping a closer eye on her. The next time she gets into this sort of mischief, her husband will be the one to deal with it.”
    Daniel gaped at her. He couldn’t believe the venom with which Lady Grifton spoke of her ward. “How can you say that?” he asked, his voice low as he fought for control. “She could have died tonight. She still might.”
    Lady Grifton stepped toward him, looking not the least bit intimidated by his greater size. Staring up at him, she smiled. “I take it you’re smitten with her? Well, I suggest you get that fancy out of your head, sir.” Her eyes swept over him with distaste. “She is a lady of breeding. I would be a fool to waste her on an untitled gentleman when an earl and a duke are showing great interest in her.”
    “If I may,” Lord Winston said. “I think—”
    “Quite right,” Daniel clipped, sensing that it wouldn’t matter one whit to this woman that he was next in line to the Marquisate of Wolvington. At present, he was untitled, and that was apparently all that the arrogant woman cared about.
    He considered her words. Lady Grifton had spoken of Lady Rebecca as scheming. Daniel quietly recalled reading about Lady Rebecca’s riding accident two years earlier. She’d taken a severe blow to the head, the papers had said, and had since been declared mad. It wasn’t as if everyone talked about her though—at least not anymore—but everyone knew of her, although Daniel had to admit that he probably knew less than most. His interest in the drama surrounding Roselyn Castle had never been great, so he’d never really given it much thought.
    Was it possible that Lady Rebecca’s entire illness had been nothing but a front? And if so, then how did the shooter fit into the scenario? He couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to harm Lady Rebecca, but on the other hand, he had to acknowledge that he knew very little about her. Perhaps she’d done something far more terrible than feign insanity—something that had resulted in someone wishing her dead.
    Daniel tossed the idea aside with a shake of his head. It was ludicrous to imagine such a thing when instinct told him that she would make him an excellent match. He decided then and there that he would still try to win Lady Rebecca’s hand, and, being the reckless man that he was, Daniel was not about to walk away from the challenge that doing so would pose. On the contrary, he looked forward to it with great anticipation, because if there was one thing he was certain of, it was that she would rather marry him than whoever the Griftons had in mind, and now that he knew where to find her, all he had to do was think of a way in which to gain access to her.
    Really, how hard could it possibly be?

Chapter 4

    H eaven

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