    â€œIt’s beautiful,” Lila smiled.
    The Johnsons were at the back door, smiling and waving in the cold. Everyone jumped out of the car and grabbed something to take in, except for Mom. She led Lila and Boots up the stairs into the warm kitchen.
    It looked to Annie as if the Johnsons wanted to grab Lila right out of Mom’s hands. They hovered and didn’t stop welcoming her and the cat to their new home. It was a bit overwhelming for Lila. She leaned against Mom as if to get away.
    â€œI think we should let Lila be for a moment,” Mom said quietly.
    The Johnsons appeared to get the message, because they instantly turned their attention to everyone else.
    â€œI have a lovely warm lunch for you,” Eunie beamed. “You can’t come all this way and not have a reward at the end of it.” She turned back to Abigail. “Perhaps you and Annie would like to take Lila up to see her new room. I’ll join you later.”
    Once again, they let Lila go up the curved stairwell first. When she got to the top they heard her intake of breath.
    The attic room was warm, colourful, and cozy. There were patterned quilts on the beds, hooked rugs on the floor, and toys on a white desk and chair underneath a window. There was a new bureau for all Lila’s things and a pretty lamp on the bedside table. There was even a mother-of-pearl brush and comb set with a hand-held mirror beside them.
    Three large stuffed animals were at the bottom of one of the beds. Lila walked over and put Boots on the bed before picking up a large brown bear. “Look! It’s just like my little bear. This must be the mama bear.”
    And then she spied the easel, with paintbrushes and paint and lots of paper. “Oh, my!”
    As Lila ran from item to item, her face brightened. Even Annie could tell the difference. Lila started to talk more and laughed when she spied a new pair of fluffy slippers on the mat beside her bed. There was a note on the pillow that read, “Welcome to your new home, Lila and Boots.”
    Lila looked up and smiled. “I have my very own room.”
    â€œIt’s beautiful,” Mom said.
    â€œYeah, it’s really nice. Boots sure likes it.”
    Boots was purring, kneading the soft pillow of the bed.
    After another spectacular meal in front of the fire that included fish cakes and beans with cucumber relish and brown bread, it was time to go. Dad put his hand on the top of Lila’s head. “Goodbye, dear. We’re always here if you need us.”
    â€œThank you, Mr. Macdonald.”
    â€œSee ya.” David waved at her and turned to go, but Lila ran up and hugged him. “I’ll miss you.”
    â€œYou too.” David, his face flaming red, left to go outside with his father.
    Mom knelt down and held on to Lila’s shoulders. “Be a good girl. You’re going to be very happy here. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are fine people, and that you certainly deserve.”
    Lila wrapped her arms around Mom’s neck. “Promise you won’t forget me.”
    â€œI promise. Never ever.” Mom kissed her cheek and then hugged Eunie and Joe and rushed out of the house, dabbing her eyes with tissues.
    That left Annie. “I’ll see you, then.”
    Lila started to cry.
    Eunie quickly tried to shush her. “Oh dear heart, you’ll see each other a lot. We’ll come for visits and any time you’d like to come here for the weekend, Annie, you’re more than welcome. And before you know it, summer will be here and you’ll have two whole months together.”
    Annie hated crying. She grabbed Lila and hugged her with all her might.
    â€œI love you, Annie.”
    â€œI’ll write you a letter tonight.” Annie ran out the door and into the car. As they pulled away, they saw Eunie, Joe, and Lila at the dining room window, waving goodbye. They waved back.
    Annie saw Dad reach over and hold Mom’s hand for a few

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