Kissed by Moonlight

Kissed by Moonlight by Shéa MacLeod

Book: Kissed by Moonlight by Shéa MacLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shéa MacLeod
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only paranoid one. Even with my more than human night vision, I couldn't see into the interior, thanks to the tinted windows. Totally illegal in Multnomah County, but I doubted the driver was worried about getting a ticket.
    I expected him to come charging out, but nothing happened. He just sat there. What was he waiting for? An engraved invitation?
    "You going to sit there like a bump on a log all night?" Patience has never been my strong suit.
    The driver's side door swung open and someone slowly stepped out. At first I couldn't make him out, thanks to the glare of the headlights, but then he stepped into the beams so I could see.
    Immediately I could see my mistake. I admit it's sexist, but I see somebody with mad car skills like that and I automatically think "male." This driver was the exception. From her long blonde hair to her six-inch fuck-me heels, this driver was all woman. The cold expression in her eyes told me her skill set included something far more deadly than good driving.
    "Well, now, is that any way for a lady to behave?" I taunted, trying to get a rise out of her. Keep your enemy off-guard, and they make mistakes. Mistakes that can save your ass.
    It worked. She bared her teeth at me in a snarl, and my blood ran cold at the sight of long, sharp canines.
    She might be all woman, but she was far from human. I should have sensed her, as I did all vampires, but with the combination of lack of sleep and adrenaline overload, my Spidey senses were off kilter.
    "Let me guess." My tone was dry. "You're after the bounty." I still had no idea who had put a price on my head, but she was the second vamp who'd shown up planning to claim the prize, thanks to that stupid website.
    She tilted her head to the side like a bird studying a bug. A slight smile curved her lips, and she gave her hair a flirty little toss, but her eyes remained cold and dead. "Mama needs a new pair of shoes."
    I rolled my eyes. Fantastic. A vamp with a sense of humor. "You know you're not the first, right?"
    "I don't imagine I am. But I will be the last." She evidently didn't suffer from lack of confidence.
    My fingers closed around the handle of my skean dhu as I pulled it slowly from its sheath on my belt. The deadly little Scottish blade was the latest addition to my arsenal, and I was looking forward to giving it a workout.
    I shot her my best "fuck you" smile. "Good luck with that."

Chapter 9
    The vamp moved so fast my eyes almost couldn't track her. One minute she was standing there in skintight leather and a cocky attitude, the next, she was nothing but a blur. How she moved so fast in six-inch stilettos, I'll never know. I'd have broken an ankle for sure.
    I had just enough time to crouch slightly and twist to the left before she slammed into me. The angle of my body threw her off balance enough to stagger her a little. I helped her along with a quick twist back to the right as I stood, flipping her over my shoulder. Instead of taking us both to the ground, she found herself flat on her back on the gravel, gaping like a fish. Sometimes I really love the laws of physics.
    She growled low in her throat, an expression of pure rage crossing her perfect, icy features. She didn't have the usual slavering half-crazed vampire thing going on, which was odd, but I didn't have time to focus on that. With one smooth move, she was on her feet again, circling me like an angry dog.
    "Is that all you've got?" I taunted as I stood my ground, blade in hand. "You're giving us girls a bad name, you know."
    Her lips peeled back in a snarl, exposing her long, brutally sharp canines. "We should have exterminated you hunters generations ago. You're nothing but a pain in the ass." There was bitterness to her tone which spoke of more than a vampire's rage. This wasn't about a bounty, and it wasn't about blood. This was personal.
    "What did we ever do to you?" As if I had to ask. No doubt one of us had killed her maker or something else within the realm the hunter's

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