Kissed by Moonlight

Kissed by Moonlight by Shéa MacLeod Page B

Book: Kissed by Moonlight by Shéa MacLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shéa MacLeod
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weak as I was. "Fuck you." It was less a snarl and more a whimper.
    "No, thanks." I turned the knife again, eliciting another cry. "You're not my type. Now tell me. Who did this?" The Darkness was surging. I had seconds at best.
    She looked me right in the eye. I could see it all there... the pain, the suffering, the anger. Even the need for revenge. And, yes, I could see her soul.
    "Fuck. You." She practically spat it.
    The Darkness broke free, and the whole world tunneled down, narrow and dark. I watched my hand rip the blade from the vamp's belly, and then slash it across her throat in one fluid movement. My hand plunged the knife into her chest, punching though tissue, past bone, until it reached the heart.
    Her eyes widened, and in a split second, she was so much dust, slowly sifting to the ground. The knife clattered from my numb fingers as the Darkness threw my head back and howled at the moon.

Chapter 10
    I came to with my cheek pressed against the rough gravel next to my car. I had no idea how much time had passed, but I was chilled to the bone. My cheek was scraped raw from where a particularly pointy rock was poking it, and my head still hurt like hell. I tried to move, but the throbbing pain sent my stomach heaving again.
    There was no way I could drive like this. Heck, I couldn't even get myself off the ground. And what about vamp lady's car? It was still there, one door wide open, motor running and headlights on. I couldn't leave it like that. Someone would see it and report it to the cops. Which would be fine except there was blood everywhere, including on me. It looked as if I'd survived a massacre.
    My lips twisted wryly. Not far from the truth.
    I managed to wiggle my phone out of my pocket without causing my head too much agony. The numbers swam in front of my eyes as I squinted at the screen. Finally I gave up trying to figure out the time. It was still dark.
    I considered my options. Kabita had already had to clean up after me once. She would read me the riot act and then march my ass to the nearest hospital, which probably wasn't a bad idea based on how I was feeling. Jack would bitch at me and give me a bigger headache. Trevor? Well, what was family for if not to rescue your sorry ass in the middle of the night? Plus his contacts could get the "crime scene" covered up in no time, faster than even Kabita could manage. Perfect.
    Unfortunately, actually dialing his number was another matter. I couldn't focus on the screen well enough to make out names. My fingers were numb and fumbly. I could hardly scroll through my contacts list. Shit. I really needed to get one of those phones that talked back.
    I finally gave up and stabbed at a random contact. All I could do was hope I hadn't chosen my mother.
    Chill wind lashed at my clothes and hair. I tasted salt in the air and the scent of sea teased my nose as I inhaled deeply. The bleak landscape was bathed in the sliver glow of the swollen moon overhead.
    She stood at the edge of the cliff, her simple shift dress soaked from the spray of the ocean. Around her body I could see the glow of her inner fire. She was burning from the inside out.
    I knew this place. This dream. I'd had it before. Only that time I'd been the girl... Fina, a creature of rage and fire, the Fire that lived inside me now.
    I knew she burned with hunger. To devour, destroy. I knew because I'd felt it within me, and it scared me to death.
    Below, the sea crashed against the jagged black rocks, sending another icy spray over her. It sizzled against her skin like oil on a hot stove, evaporating in seconds. She didn't notice.
    "Fina! Fina!"
    This time, I was the one who called to her, not the boy. The moon child, Iah, was nowhere to be seen. Even the temple that was supposed to stand on the hill behind us had vanished. It was just the two of us, the rocks, and the sea.
    The girl stepped closer to the edge of the cliff.
    "Fina, please," I begged. My heart ached for her and for the boy she

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