Kitty: Bride of Hawaii (American Mail-Order Bride 50)
watering pot. “I’m glad you’ve come, Mr. Castle.”
    He stepped farther into the room, eyeing the door to the back of the house. “Where’s Kalea?”
    “In the back. Getting me a drink.”
    He nodded thoughtfully. “I heard about Timothy. I came to see how you’re doing.”
    Her hand fisted at her stomach. “Not well. It’s a shock,” she said, deciding not to lie.
    “I imagine so. Timothy was a good man and a great foreman. It’ll be hard to replace him.”
    What was she supposed to say to that? Agree? She hadn’t known if Mr. Banner was a good employee or not.
    “Please sit, Kitty.”
    She lowered onto the couch as he took his seat opposite of her.
    She’d needed to talk to him, to ask him for a favor. Why was this so hard? She’d like to think they’d become friends while on the ship, regardless of how the voyage ended. She wasn’t asking too much, but she knew why she struggled.
    Gulping, she twisted her fingers in her lap before looking him in the eye. “It’s fortunate that you’re here. I asked Mr. Pratt to bring me to the main house so that I might speak with you.”
    He held out his hands. “I’m here. Ask away. I’ll do anything I can to help you.”
    “Well,” she swallowed any misgivings, “as I mentioned on the ship, I’ve been educated in many areas. I’d always hoped to enter into a respectable arrangement with another family. Perhaps as a governess. Or a teacher. Unfortunately, I have no references, no recommendations, and I don’t know anyone. As this is what I’ve been trained to do, I’d hate to waste my education and take a different kind of work, but I’ve done so in the past and will again if forced to. But I’d hoped…”
    “I’d hoped you might assist me in finding a position.”
    There. She’d said it. She’d laid her cards on the table, had asked for his help.
    Silence echoed in the room.
    Why wasn’t he saying anything? Had she done something wrong? Overstepped by asking him for help?
    He leaned forward in his chair, steepling his fingers. “Be at ease. I don’t want you to worry. I’ll find you a suitable position if that is what you wish.”
    Relief gushed through her. She closed her eyes in a quick prayer of gratitude. When her eyes opened, they glistened. “Thank you, Mr. Castle.”
    Footsteps sounded down the hall, and Warren swallowed whatever he was going to say. But the yearning in his voice touched her.
    Warren stood when Kalea and Mr. Pratt entered the room.
    “Mr. Castle, it’s good to see you.” Kalea smiled a greeting.
    Warren stood and took the woman’s hand. “How are you, Kalea?”
    “I’ve been better, but I’ll survive this. Mr. Banner will be missed.”
    “He will. I want you to know that you’re always welcome here. Should you choose to leave, you will have our fondest regards, but if you’d like to stay, I will find somewhere for you to work. We are always in need of your skills.”
    A large smile crested the woman’s lips. “Thank you, Mr. Castle. I wish to stay on.”
    “Excellent.” He squeezed her hand. “I’ll have something for you within a few days. Just sit tight.”
    Kitty watched the interaction between the master of the property and a lower servant. He knew her name, cared about her. Their interaction touched her.
    A swift ache filled her belly as she studied the dark lock of hair caressing his forehead, the chocolate brown eyes filled with compassion for the older woman. Kitty’s desire built swiftly, filling her stomach and heart until it brimmed.
    She wanted this man. Oh, how she wanted him. Why did it have to be so impossible?
    Warren’s attention turned to the sailor. “Mr. Pratt, Miss Jones will be staying at the main house as a guest this evening. Will you arrange to have her belongings directed there instead of the bungalow?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    Shock filled her. Warren agreed to help her, but taking her to the main house? It made sense. They had much more to

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