Kris Jenner . . . And All Things Kardashian

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Book: Kris Jenner . . . And All Things Kardashian by Kris Jenner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kris Jenner
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what this meant. Maybe now Priscilla would have more emotional space? Maybe now Robert would want her back? Over the following months, I was apprehensive that Robert would start thinking about Priscilla again.
    Then, suddenly, it was the holidays, my favorite season. Robert and I had so much fun and spent the holidays with each other’s families. We drove down to San Diego in his white Rolls and had Christmas Eve with my mom and dad, and the next morning we drove back to L.A. to spend Christmas with his family. In January, I went back to work flying and Robert, as always, was working hard in his law practice.
    That winter, we went on a couple of ski trips. I got the ski bug bad, so I decided to plan a girls’ trip to Switzerland in the winter of 1978. Robert decided to go to Rio at the same time I was on my ski trip. He had a lifelong desire to go to Carnival, so he went with a buddy. By the time we both got home, I had sort of had it. I missed Robert so much when I was on my trip. I decided I didn’t want to do girls’ trips anymore. I didn’t want to be by myself anymore. I didn’t want to live in an apartment. I was ready to live out my dream of becoming a wife and a mother with six kids of my own. The calling was so strong that I decided,
If Robert doesn’t ask me to marry him, I am just going to have to move on.
I didn’t want to, but I thought I might have to. I felt like I was on the slow boat to China with Robert Kardashian.
    Right before I left for my girls’ trip to Switzerland with one of my best girlfriends, Cindy Spallino, a fellow flight attendant, I went to get my nails done on Rodeo Drive for my big trip. I had wedding rings on my brain. On the way to the salon, we walked by Van Cleef & Arpels. In the window was a beautiful, five-rows-deep, pavé diamondwedding band.
Wouldn’t it be cool to have a wedding band like that?
I thought.
    That ring became my dream. I didn’t tell anybody. I just kept it to myself and thought,
Someday when I get married, I would love to have that ring
    Unbeknownst to me, while I was in Switzerland, Robert went ring shopping with my girlfriend Joyce Kraines. I came home with my arms full of European fashion magazines: European
and others. They were so beautiful and the photography was just stunning. I love to read fashion magazines. I had them on my coffee table, and for some reason some of them ended up at Robert’s house.
    On Easter Sunday, 1978, I spent the night at Robert’s house so that we could get up early and go to church. We made little Easter baskets, which we gave to each other on Easter Sunday morning. We were getting ready to leave. I was in the dining room when Robert came in and took a folded piece of paper out of his back pocket and suddenly dropped to one knee.
    “I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he said. “I’d like you to be my wife . . .
Will you marry me?

    I started to bawl right there in the dining room. He unfolded the piece of paper, and it was a page out of my European
with a picture of a big gorgeous diamond.
    “I would love for you to have this ring someday,” he said. “But until then, I’m going to find you the perfect thing, and I’ll do it next week.”
    Of course, Robert could have bought me anything he wanted. But he was a frugal guy; in those days, it was one thing to buy a Rolls-Royce; it was quite another to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a diamond.
    Oh my God. He was so sweet and so scared. He was quivering, and I thought he was going to cry. Of course I said: “YES!” We were both crying and laughing.
    We decided to go straight to San Diego to tell my parents. “Mom, we’re coming down to have lunch with you,” I said on the phone.
    We hopped a flight on PSA and my mom picked us up at the airport. We all went out to lunch and Robert and I told my mom, Harry, and my sister, Karen, the big news. Everyone was so happy. We flew home right after lunch and went

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