Last Stop This Town

Last Stop This Town by David Steinberg

Book: Last Stop This Town by David Steinberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Steinberg
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“I’m sure you and Libby will be BFFs for years to come.”
    But Dylan jumped to Libby’s defense, “Hey, Libby Hoechner gave me my first blow job,” as if that justified the no-frills message.
    Then Dylan looked back at Walker for a second. “You remember your first blow job, Walker?”
    Walker thought back. Of course he remembered. It was his first and only blow job and when he called the promiscuous, pill-popping Amy Waverly the next day, she had no memory of the event. Still, it was the best ten seconds of Walker’s life.
    “Uh huh, I guess so,” Walker answered with trepidation.
    “How’d it taste?” was the punch line Dylan delivered with impeccable comic timing. He laughed his ass off and Noah and Pike joined in.
    Walker was used to being teased and took the ribbing good-naturedly.
    Noah flipped to another page. “Look at this one from Karla Feeny. ‘Congrads’ with a ‘d,’ ‘I am going to miss you so much next year.’ Really? I mean, have you ever even said two words to Karla Feeny since junior high?”
    “It’s just something you say,” Dylan chastised. “Stop being so critical.”
    “Here’s another one. Amy Ryan wrote, ‘Remember that time at Marco’s house? You were so drunk.’” Noah laughed, “Yeah, can you be a little more specific?”
    Noah opened the door with all this yearbook talk and Dylan took the opportunity to turn it back on him. “Okay, Smart Guy, so what are you going to write in my yearbook?”
    “I don’t know. But we’re best friends. I want to write something special.”
    “Wow, that was really gay,” Dylan teased. “Seriously, you don’t want to wait until college to come out of the closet?”
    “Shut up,” Noah shot back with a smile.
    “Come here,” Dylan apologized and facetiously leaned in to kiss him. Noah pushed him away. The car swerved slightly and Dylan returned to the wheel with a laugh.
    Then Pike saw something. “Check it out. Eight o’clock.” It was a car full of hot girls in bikinis passing them on their left in a VW Bug convertible. Like a cheetah spotting a car full of gazelles, Dylan immediately sped up to match their highway speed. He rolled down his window and yelled to be heard over the wind, “Where you girls headed?”
    A cute girl with long blonde hair and a pink bikini yelled back from the passenger seat, “Old Lyme!”
    Dylan kept one eye on the road and the other eye on this girl’s ample cleavage. He pouted, “No, come with us! We’re heading into the city!”
    “Sorry!” she laughed.
    Dylan loved flirting, but in times like this you really just have to get to the point. “At least show us your tits!”
    Walker gasped. “Dylan!”
    “Shh! Shh!” Dylan cautioned. “I think they’re going to do it.”
    And sure enough, the girl appeared to be discussing the idea with her friends.
    Dylan sensed they were on the fence so he pushed them in the right direction with, “Come on! You know you want to!” Then he flashed them his million-dollar smile.
    Then… the four girls lifted their bikini tops and flashed their tits.
    The guys couldn’t believe it. They were in awe, giggling like little boys. And the girls were laughing, too, because, as savvy men know, good girls love being bad.
    Then, as if this weren’t a big enough victory, Dylan shouted across the asphalt, “Can my friend put his face in your tits?”
    The girl looked at him like he was crazy, but crazy was just what she was in the mood for.
    Dylan inched his car closer to the Bug without hitting it.
    And even Walker, sitting behind Dylan, didn’t need any further prodding on this one. He rolled his window down and stuck his head out.
    The cars were close enough now that the blonde girl no longer in a pink bikini grabbed Walker’s head and kissed him. Then she forced his head down into her tits and Walker got a mouth full. All this at sixty-five miles an hour.
    Suddenly, honk !
    Dylan swerved right and Walker fell back into the Cube. They looked behind

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