you, Peanut,” she replies as she kisses my girls on their cheeks.
I gather all my belongings, give my hair one last pat-down, and turn to my girls.
“Okay, girlies. Momma’s headin’ out with Aunt Julia now. Be careful and have fun. Skylar, don’t stay up too late and listen to your sister. Rylee, if you have any problems, call my cell phone or Aunt Julia’s, and here is the club’s number just in case.”
I give my girls their goodbye kisses and walk out the door with Julia. We climb into the cab and head towards our night of fun, dancing, and drinking. Well, not too much drinking, I want to feel human in the morning.
We arrive to the club about forty-five minutes later and I feel like a VIP as Julia drags me to the front of the line waiting to get past the bouncer. On the way, I hear some not-very-nice things leaving numerous mouths, and I seriously want to wash some mouths out with soap. I guess I’d be pissed as well, but it isn’t my fault that Julia and I know people and so don’t have to wait hours in line to get into the club of the year—TanZen.
We get to the door and Josh, the bouncer, lets us into the club. “Have fun and save me a dance,” he says, more to Julia than me, since he’s looking straight at her. Hmmm, I wonder what that’s about.
“Well, well, well,” I say to her. “Did you forget to mention something to me? Do share. You know the only action I get nowadays is livin’ vicariously through you.”
“What? Josh? He’s nice a guy I went out with once. We decided to be friends after I told him there wasn’t going to be a second date; I didn’t have that spark with him. I can’t help that I’m irresistible and guys would rather be my friends than be without me,” she replies jokingly, but there’s truth in her statement. She has so many guy friends that would date her in a heartbeat but she’s so picky—no butterflies, no second dates. I think she’s still in love with him, the one who broke her heart and took a piece of her with him after destroying her. But we’re not going to think about him now.
“One day, Julia . . . one day, you’re gonna find a man that’ll make you fall in love again, and he’ll cherish you beyond belief. You won’t be able to wrap him around your little finger so easily,” I say. “That day will come and I’m gonna enjoy watching it happen. Mark my words, babe, when that day happens I’ll have front row seats and I’ll even help him.”
“Well, that might happen but it sure won’t be today,” she replies. “We’re here to have fun and not talk about my love life. You’re gonna have a good time even if I have to ply you with alcohol.”
She takes my hand and leads me to the bar. We both order Tequila Sunrises, our poison of choice, and get to sippin’; they’re so yummy and there’s nothing better than Tequila, orange juice, and grenadine, in my opinion. Well, maybe a frozen margarita. Plus, if made correctly, they can be strong and you barely taste the alcohol. They’re my kind of drinks; I just have to be careful. And drink lots of water along the way.
As we’re slowly sipping on our drinks and checking out the club, we hear “Timber” by Pitbull and Kesha come on. We quickly finish our drinks and head out to the dance floor to get our dance on. We dance and dance, doing every dance move imaginable. We’re probably getting weird looks from the other dancers, but we don’t care. I forgot how much fun it is to just come out and dance. I love dancing; Jake would get a babysitter at least once a month and take me dancing when we were in Germany. The music there wasn’t as modern—there was a lot of eighties music, but it was still fun nonetheless. Even now, I’ll put on music at home and start a dance jam with the girls.
Julia and I are doing all those club moves you see in the YouTube videos. We’re laughing and I’m having the time of my life. “Danza Kuduro” comes on and I go wild. This is my jam—I love
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