tell myself, relax . . . breathe. You’re a grown woman, a lady, you can do this. You can talk to him and act like an adult, without showing him how much he affects you. Get your big girl pants on.
“Zane, this is Faith and this little darlin’ here is Skylar, her daughter.” Jackie starts the introductions. “Faith, this is Zane, my baby brother.” I chuckle at her description of him.
“Hello, Faith,” he says, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. “And hello to you, little Miss Skylar,” he says to my little girl, smiling at her and doing the same to her little hand.
I hear Skylar giggle. She giggles. Even my little girl is impressed. I bet every female from birth to eighty-five is charmed by this man. He just has that way about him.
“Uh, h-hello,” I manage to stutter.
I see his grin get even bigger and realize he knows the effect he has on me. I wonder if he remembers me . . . but why would he? That afternoon was probably an everyday occurrence for him. He’s gorgeous and sexy, and I bet women are constantly staring at him. I was probably one of hundreds. And the other times, well, I made a fool of myself and can only hope he didn’t see or remember those times. Remembering my foolishness, I get myself together.
“My apologies,” I say sounding very proper, maybe too proper. “Zane, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
I hope he doesn’t notice the drool that’s at the corner of my mouth. Wow, this man is something else; he’s just so freaking sexy—there are no other words to describe. He’s the whole shebang and he knows it.
He chuckles, letting me know I didn’t fool him. “How are you doin,’ beautiful?” He asks smoothly. “You enjoyin’ the game?”
“I’m well,” I reply, trying to keep my distance from him and coming off a tad bit rude.
“You aren’t followin’ me, are you?” He asks, catching me by surprise.
I’m offended. I’m not a stalker, no matter how yummy the man is. I don’t chase men. I approach but I don’t chase.
“I asked if you were followin’ me,” he repeats, knowing I heard him the first time. “I remember the last time you saw me—you couldn’t stop starin’ at me. And then those other times, they gave me a good laugh, baby,” he finishes with a smirk.
Well, of all the nerve. There’s my answer—he does remember me. Oh, but the arrogance . . . he doesn’t have to rub it in my face that I’ve found him stare-worthy.
“How can I be followin’ you when I was here first?” I ask him. “I should ask you, instead, if you’re followin’ me.”
He gives me that sexy grin and chuckles. “I’da been here sooner if that was the case.”
“I bet.”
“Baby, for you, I’d go to the ends of the world—slay a dragon, climb the Himalayas, and even dance. I’d do anything for you.” His eyes are fixed on me as he makes his declaration.
I feel myself blush and softly laugh. “You’re such a flirt. I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Nah, beautiful,” he tells me seriously. “Those words are just for you. And only you. ”
“Oh,” I say and receive a real smile from him.
We hear the crowd start to get loud. Zane turns to the field and watches my girl as she runs, comes face to face with another player and skillfully maintains the ball. She makes another amazing move, getting her closer to the goal. Now, it’s just her and the goalie.
Come one, Rylee, you can do it, I silently cheer her on. YES!!! She makes it—GOOOOAAAALLLL!!!!!!!! I silently yell to myself. I smile proudly.
“Damn! She’s good,” he says in awe.
“I know,” I proudly reply. “She my daughter.”
He looks at me and smiles but says nothing. His expression seems to say he knows something I don’t.
“Did you see that?” Jackie asks. “That was amazing.”
I turn to her. “Yes, I did. She did good,” I reply and she turns back to the field, leaving me and Zane alone again.
“So she’s your daughter?” He
Glynn Stewart
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Elia Mirca