Legacy Code
    Paige gave Mali a sweet smile. “Just showing her how it works.”
    “You were instructed to train Helice today. I’ll have the outgoing comms now. The guard’ll be by soon to pick them up.”
    “They’re ready to go.” Paige stood up and latched the case shut. She handed it to Mali and avoided making eye contact with Era.
    “Era, I need to talk to you before you leave,” Mali said. “Come with me, please.”
    Paige pursed her lips, and her face turned a nice shade of wilted-galley-green. Serves her right. Era threw her shoulders back and followed Mali.
    She led her to the end of the repository, to a table beside the tall glass wall that shielded the archives. The history of the Defect was in there. The colonists who restarted civilization would have the resources and time to find a cure.
    But right now, only the president and board had access to those files. Not a grimp addict who worked the sublevels. Era shook her head. Sam didn’t know anything about the Defect. How could he?
    “Have a seat.” Mali sat at the table and laid the comm case next to her. Era slid into one of the chairs and placed her palms flat on the cold metal table.
    She doesn’t seem upset with me, but why the private talk?
    Mali folded her hands together and regarded Era for a moment. “I need to start training my replacement soon. I want that person to be you.”
    Era’s eyes widened. “I—thank you.”
    “So is this something you’d like to do? Being Head Archivist is a big responsibility. The Paragon will be your home for the rest of your life.”
    Era looked down at her hands. Before the last few days, she’d have said yes in a heartbeat. But now? Did she want to stay here? It was the safest ship in the fleet…wasn’t it? Dritan had talked about making a home on the Paragon , finding a way to remain on board when their five-year placement terms were up. An archivist position would guarantee they’d be allowed to stay.
    The shift buzzer sounded, and Era glanced behind her. The other workers began to exit the level, and Zephyr waited for her by the door.
    “Why me?”
    Mali’s brow furrowed. “You’re young, yet responsible, and you’re a hard worker. Your father taught you better than most of the techs on this ship. I think you have a natural affinity for this type of work.”
    Era nodded and looked toward the doors again, torn between Mali’s offer and her desire to run to last mess and find Dritan. But she needed to give Mali an answer.
    Era’s father would’ve been so proud if he knew she’d been offered a position as archivist. And didn’t she love this place? The silver boxes beckoned to her from their sanctuary beyond the barrier. This job really meant something. And Dritan…he liked it here. Had the guards let him go yet?
    “If you’re not sure…”
    “No, it’s just…” Had Mali heard yet? What would she think if she knew Dritan was wrapped up in something awful? Era licked her lips. “In helio sector, during midbreak, a colonist attacked the president’s daughter.”
    Mali’s eyes widened. “You saw this?”
    “My husband knew the man from shift and stopped him from hurting her. They arrested the traitor and took my husband in…for questioning.” Era’s eyes burned, and Mali reached out to touch her hand.
    “The president will be grateful for what your husband did.”
    Era dropped her hands into her lap. “I want to. I do want to be an archivist.”
    Mali nodded. “I’d hoped you’d say yes. I had to get approval before I could ask you. We’ll start training you on the system tomorrow.” She narrowed her eyes, and Era turned to see Zephyr hurrying toward them, her face still flushed from its exposure to the super helio.
    “Everyone on free shift’s been called to observation,” Zephyr said. “We need to go. Now.”
    Era’s stomach dropped, and she gripped the table.
    “Do you know why?” Mali asked.
    “They’re airlocking a traitor.”

    Era and Zephyr joined the

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