and the girls practically beg him to pick them, even if he made out with someone else the night before. At first I thought Sadie was crazy, but lately I’ve been setting my schedule around the damn show.
“Where’s Rob?” Brady calls out from the room and I shrug my shoulders. Other than a quick text message this afternoon, I’ve heard nothing from him. “He told me he would be here.”
“I’m here,” Rob shouts, coming down the stairs.. I brace myself because I have a feeling that a confrontation is coming. Rob’s been missing a few practices to do gigs with a couple of other band he’s trying to be a part of, and Trey hasn’t attempted to keep his dislike quiet on the subject. I’m assuming that’s what he’s about to tell them again, but then he turns to me. I notice his nervous expression, and I gather it’s more than missing one band practice.
“Where the hell have you been? We have a show in a few hours and Brady has a new song,” Trey says, standing in the doorway of the recording studio.
“I’m done guys, sorry,” he tells them, and I shoot up to my feet.
“What?” I ask as I walk over to him. All of us are now standing in front of him like a pack of angry wolves ready to pounce.
“I’m going on tour with The Beatskulls. They got invited to join Krypto and asked me to play guitar. I’ve kind of been messing around with them on a couple songs lately,” he admits. Reminding us again, Rob isn’t a student like the rest of us. He dropped out last year in order to fulfill his dream of becoming a rock star, whereas the other boys are only playing until they graduate.
“You’re what?” I ask softly and the others slowly move away, leaving me alone with him.
“Fucking bullshit,” Trey shouts and I hear Brady trying to calm him as they head into the glass-windowed room with Sadie.
“Sorry, Jessa, but I have to do this.” He comes up to me, taking my hands in his.
“I know,” I say and I’m not lying. I understand completely. I was ready to tell him tonight that it was over, but it still hurts that he told me he’s leaving along with everyone else instead of seeking me out individually. It shows me again just how much our relationship has changed.
“I’ll call as much as I can, but remember I’ll be busy.” He’s already making excuses for missed phone calls, but what he doesn’t realize is that I’m indifferent to the whole thing.
“Okay,” I tell him. He brings his lips to mine and kisses me, but it’s cold and distant. In his mind, he’s already left and I know at this moment that it’s over between Rob and me. He’ll move on to stardom and his life here will soon be forgotten. Instead of feeling sadness though, all I feel is an overwhelming amount of relief.
Rob says goodbye to everyone. Brady wishes him good luck and gives him a hug. Sadie stays in the room, waving. I’m not surprised, since there’s never been much love between them. Dex shakes his hand, but quietly turns back to his bass. Trey remains behind his drums, giving him a nod goodbye. Rob’s either unaware or indifferent to how he’s disappointing his bandmates.
I walk him upstairs and his bags are already resting by the front door. “I’ll call you tonight,” he says and leans in to give me a kiss. I should just tell him not to bother and that we both know this is over, but I remain quiet. I say goodbye, knowing there’s a good chance that I’ll never hear from him again, and he leaves after another meaningless kiss.
After I shut the door, I walk up to my room. I remove the picture of us taken at Halloween off my bulletin board and lay down on my bed. No tears escape my eyes and no sadness hits my heart. The soft knock on my door tells me it’s Sadie.
“Come on in,” I say, and she sheepishly peeks around the edge of the door. Her eyes widen noticing my lack of sadness.
“You’re not upset?” She walks over to the side of the bed, taking a seat. “I thought I would find you in
Chris Owen, Jodi Payne
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Pearl S. Buck
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