the bar and start shit with you. It’s like she knew all about us, but I don’t know how that’s possible because she lives in California,” he says confused.
“She threatened me and basically told me what she wants from me,” he says sighing. “She wants all of the money that my father left me in his will. How she found out about it, that I will never know,” he says shaking his head. “I agreed to give it all to her but that’s not enough.”
“Wait, how could she threaten you and why did you agree to give her that money?” I ask confused.
I thought that he said he wasn’t afraid of her going to the tabloids? It probably wouldn’t even be that bad for him anyways, since he’s been out of the public eye for a while. They would probably just do a segment on TMZ about the recluse, Aiden Crowe. What is he not telling me?
“I agreed because of…because of my son, Emma,” he says.
Chapter 2: Flesh and Blood
I sway slightly, leaning back against the wall. Did I just hear him right? He has a fucking son that I never knew about?
I swallow the lump in my throat, feeling suddenly dizzy and on the verge of seriously losing it. Who is Aiden, this man who I love but know nothing about?
“Emma, baby. Are you okay? You look sick,” he says coming over to me.
He caresses my face with my hands, trying to soothe me.
Gee, let me think, Aiden. What could possible make me feel ill and make me almost pass out? My guess is the fact that you told me you have a kid.
Before I can vent all of my frustrations, he cuts me off.
“Hold on a second, I’m not done. You jump to conclusions with me , and I guess I don’t really blame you. I’ve been I real bastard lately and I’m sorry for that.”
I snort, agreeing with the assessment of himself.
“I just found out that I’m a father, Emma,” he says, as my eyes widen in disbelief.
“H ear me out,” he rushes out. “When Jessica came to my house, she just sprung it on me. When she left me after the accident, she was only a few weeks pregnant and never told me. She says that he’s a year old and that if I want to see him, I have to give her everything she asks of me. I have no idea where he is or who’s raising him but I know it’s not her. She said that she’s hidden him, where I will never be able to find him,” he says torn. “The best part is that she named him after my father, Michael. She knew that I hated him and vice versa and I’m sure she did it just to be a bitch,” he snorts.
Is this for real? Is all of this really happening or am I on one big reality show where I’m the only one not in on the joke. I feel like someone will pop out with cameras and will say that this entire week as been a farce. These things just don’t happen. Only in daytime soaps. Next thing you know I’ll find out that the man in front of me is actually Aiden’s evil twin.
He notices my quizzical expression and sighs loudly. Yeah, well, start having a normal life and then maybe I’ll be able to stomach what you tell me.
“I know what you’re thinking and I agree with you. All of this is fucking crazy. When she told me, I just froze and agreed to whatever she wanted. That included going to the bar with her. She insisted and I freaked out, trying to pacify her. I need to find my son, Emma,” he says desperately.
I look at him, noticing his skin has turned white. I frown, realizing how big of a manipulating skank Jessica is. There’s something he’s not taking into consideration though and I have to bring it up.
“Wait, you said that Jessica cheated on you, right? ” I ask him.
“Yeah,” he says nodding.
“Well how do you know if it’s even your kid or if there’s a kid at all? You only know things she tells you. She’s obviously a conniving gold-digger. What makes you think that this isn’t just a ploy to ruin your life and take all your money?” I ask.
Please tell that you’ve considered this, Aiden. I know you’re
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