Lily's Dream (Siren Publishing Classic)

Lily's Dream (Siren Publishing Classic) by Kiel Nichols Page A

Book: Lily's Dream (Siren Publishing Classic) by Kiel Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiel Nichols
Tags: Romance
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early wasn’t a problem. Late was.
    Jake stayed silent.
    “The timing makes it impossible,” she said, exasperated.
    “Nothing is impossible,” he said grimly.
    “Fine. Highly improbable then.”
    Jake looked at her for a long moment then relaxed a little. “Okay,” he said. “Okay.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor.
    Lily sidled up to him and put her hands on his chest. “Can we do this again sometime? Obviously I need a few days, but maybe we can get together again next weekend?”
    Jake kissed Lily gently. “I’m so sorry I hurt you,” he whispered. “I don’t know why you’d want to be with me after that.”
    “Oh, Jake, of course I want to be with you again. I loved everything you did to me.” Lily wiggled a bit closer, brushing her breasts against his chest.
    “I really liked when you played with my ass,” she said, and peeked up at him through her lashes. “Maybe you can show me some other things that we can do together? I’m a quick study.”
    She felt him harden perceptibly.
    “Fuck, Lily,” Jake said in a harsh voice.
    “That’s the idea,” she cooed.
    Before Jake could respond, they heard a brief knock and the sound of a key in the lock.

Chapter 7
    Jake pushed Lily back abruptly. He didn’t know how to explain this to Tom. He was going to kill him. He looked at Lily. Her hair was tousled, her nipples hard as pebbles, and her mouth was swollen. She had a freshly fucked look.
    He didn’t need to say anything. One raking look from head to toe was enough to make his point. Lily turned and dashed up the back stairs. Jake reached for a mug and poured coffee.
    Thankfully his erection had deflated at the sound of the door opening.
    Tom strode into the kitchen, and Jake was nervous when he realized Tom was in uniform, his gun at his side.
    Jake stepped to the side when Tom reached up for a coffee cup. Tom didn’t seem to care that Jake was in his sister’s kitchen before nine on a Saturday morning.
    “Hey,” Tom said, pouring himself some coffee. “I thought I saw your truck in the driveway. You’re getting an early start this morning.”
    Jake just grunted. He was waiting for a fist to fly, and then he really looked at Tom’s face. His face was a little pale, and his eyes had a pinched look. “Hey, man, are you sick?”
    “Nah,” Tom said. “Just hungover. Hooked up with a hot little blonde at Starkey’s last night. Had a few more shots of tequila than was smart.”
    Jake knew exactly which hot little blonde Tom was talking about. The way she’d come on to him and Derek, it wasn’t surprising she’d moved on to Tom before the night was over. Derek didn’t seem any more interested in her than Jake had been, but apparently Tom wasn’t as discerning.
    “Why’d you hook up with her?” Jake asked. “Skank usually isn’t your type.”
    Tom didn’t meet his eyes. “Yeah, well, I guess you don’t know my type.” Then he mumbled under his breath, “I don’t even know my type anymore.”
    Lily called down the stairs. “I’ll be right down, Jake. Why don’t you grab a cup of coffee while I get the paint samples I want you to see?”
    With one simple move, Lily had made it look like Jake just arrived.
    “Hey, Lil,” Tom called up the stairs.
    “Tommy?” Lily called back as she bounced down the back stairs. Her hair was pulled back into a barrette, and she had a loosely woven sweater on. It was airy enough to be appropriate for an early morning in the summer, and yet it was thick enough to hide her nipples.
    Jake saluted her with his coffee mug. She gave him a smug smile and hugged her brother. She took one look at him and pulled a bottle of ginger ale out of her cabinet. She then pulled a single serving V8 juice out of the fridge. When she poured them into a glass together, Jake made a gagging sound.
    Tom put down his coffee mug and took the noxious mixture in relief. “Thanks, sweetie,” he said.
    “I have never been able to figure out

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