how you can drink that without puking,” Jake said.
Jake had to turn his head when Tom started to chug the drink.
“Best hangover remedy in the world,” Tom said, sighing and leaning back against the counter.
“So where’s your car?” he asked Lily.
Lily didn’t spare Jake a glance. “I went to Starkey’s last night. I left early, but Jake didn’t want me to drive so he dropped me off at home. Speaking of that,” she said, turning to Jake. “After we look at my paint samples, can I get a ride to pick up my car?”
Jake was impressed. She hadn’t lied to Tom, but the way she presented the truth made everything seem innocent.
“Sure,” he said. “I want to get the crown molding put up in your office this morning, so I can either take you to pick up your car before or after I get that done.”
“It’s okay,” Tom said. “I can take her. You were good enough to take her home last night.”
Yeah, I’m a great friend, Jake thought in self-disgust. I just drove your sister home, took her virginity, and then fucked her this morning until she bled. Some friend I am.
Tom turned to Lily. “You ready, squirt?”
“Sure,” she answered then went to get her purse. Tom headed for the door.
Lily hung back a moment, “Will I see you next weekend?” she asked in a whisper.
Jake answered after just a short beat of silence. “Yeah.” He knew he was going to hell for what he was doing with Lily, but her words just before Tom showed up were in his head. There was so much he could teach her.
* * * *
In the squad car, Tom asked in a too-casual tone, “So, you were at Starkey’s last night?”
“Yeah,” she answered.
“What were you doing there?” Again his tone was far too casual to be sincere.
Lily was sure her little act with Jake hadn’t worked. “I just hung out with Derek and Jake for about an hour, and then Jake took me home. Jeez, Tom, it’s not like I’m under twenty-one or anything. I am old enough to be in a bar.” Her tone was a bit antagonistic. The best defense is a good offense, they say.
“It’s just that Gillian said she saw you flirting with Derek, and that Jake got mad and carried you out of the bar.” Tom said it in a rush. “I thought you said there was nothing going on with Derek, Lily.”
Lily couldn’t believe how far off the mark he was. “I flirt with Derek all the time. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Gillian said you were dressed in a short skirt rubbing your butt all over him, Lil.”
“Look, Tom. It’s none of your business what I do and who I do it with.” She was tempted to throw Jake in his face, but she didn’t want to have him warn Jake off.
Tom pulled into Starkey’s parking lot and turned toward her with a sigh. “There are just some things about Derek that you don’t know, honey. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Lily pondered that statement for a moment. She knew that Derek had never told his best friends about his bisexuality, but it sounded like Tom might have guessed. Hmm, she couldn’t help but wonder what Tom knew.
She decided to tread cautiously. “Derek’s been one of my best friends for a lot of years, Tom. I’m guessing I know as much, if not more, about certain aspects of his life than you do.”
Tom flushed and looked angry for it. “Look, you’re an adult, and he’s an adult. What you guys do together is none of my business. I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
Lily hugged Tom tightly. “I’m not in a romantic relationship with Derek, Tom. I don’t know why you would be so against it if I were, but I’m not.”
“There are just things about him you don’t know,” Tom repeated.
Lily reached for the door handle. “You know what, Tom? I’m not the ignorant one in this scenario.”
Then she got out of the car and slammed the door.
Tom watched her go, wondering what in the hell that meant.
* * * *
Lily figured she wouldn’t see Jake two nights in a row, so on Saturday night, she
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