Lily's Dream (Siren Publishing Classic)

Lily's Dream (Siren Publishing Classic) by Kiel Nichols

Book: Lily's Dream (Siren Publishing Classic) by Kiel Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiel Nichols
Tags: Romance
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he felt her shudders start to die down, he reached in front of her with his other hand and rubbed her clit. He could feel her ass clench around his finger as her orgasm picked up in intensity again. When she screamed, he came in an explosion he had never felt before. It was like his balls had pushed through his cock to spew everything they had.
    At that moment, he didn’t care that he had once again forgotten a condom. The primitive part of him rejoiced that he was marking her. Her pussy continued to pulse around him. Finally, he slumped against her.
    Lily collapsed onto the bed, and Jake fell with her, unable to hold himself up on his shaking legs and unwilling to separate himself from her.
    She was shuddering and quivering, and Jake started to come back to himself again. Remorse was like a heavy weight, crushing him. When he pulled out, she groaned a clear sound of pain, not pleasure.
    He picked up the washcloth from the night before and stalked to the bathroom. The sight of more of her blood on his cock didn’t surprise him. She had been a virgin, and he hadn’t given that membrane a chance to heal. He planned on getting another washcloth and threw the one from the night before carelessly in the sink. He’d turned to root in the linen closet for another cloth when he saw her standing in the doorway in a robe.
    Knowing she’d want a few minutes alone, he tried to brush by her in the doorway. As he passed, she wrapped her arms around his waist.
    He couldn’t understand how she could hug him when he’d just brutalized her. She tilted her head up for a kiss, and he kissed the tip of her nose. The hot ball of regret pooled in his belly.
    “Lily, I’m so sorry.”
    * * * *
    Lily jerked in Jake’s arms. She didn’t understand what he meant. He was sorry? About what? That he’d just given her the most amazing experience of her life?
    Lily stepped around him into the bathroom. “Fine,” she said. “Why don’t you go down and make coffee?”
    She caught the expression on his face as she stepped past him and wondered what she had done wrong.
    When she went to the bathroom, she winced at the pain. Wiping showed her why. Her period must have come a week early. She knew that young virgins bled a little, but she wasn’t young, and she wore tampons. She shouldn’t have bled at all. When she went to wash her hands, she saw the stained washcloth in the sink. The sight of the bright crimson made her blush.
    Maybe that was why he looked so upset. She was sure he didn’t want to deal with all the girly stuff. Too sore for a tampon, she grabbed a pad and went back out into her room. She noticed that Jake’s clothes were all gone from the floor and got dressed quickly. On her way out of the room, she put a little star on the calendar.
    * * * *
    “I know we weren’t careful. Just in case you’re pregnant, we’ll get married next week.”
    Jake made the announcement as soon as she entered the kitchen. He sounded so grim Lily knew he didn’t want to get married.
    The coffee pot was gurgling loudly behind Jake’s back. Lily took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of the coffee and of Jake.
    “We’re not getting married.” Although Lily had always wanted to be with Jake, she knew he didn’t want to marry her.
    “Lily,” Jake took her shoulders in a firm grip. “We may have to get married. I didn’t use a condom, remember?”
    Lily flushed. She may have been a virgin, but she knew better than to have sex without protection.
    “I’m clean,” she said. “You know that.”
    Jake shook his head. “I am, too. That’s not the point. I’m not taking a chance that you’re pregnant. No kid of mine is going to feel like he’s an accident and unwanted.”
    “First of all,” Lily said, with not a little heat, “no child of mine would ever be allowed to feel unwanted. Second of all, there is no way I’m pregnant.” She thought her period must have started. Granted, her period was a week early, but

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