Lost! The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog

Lost! The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog by Jeremy Strong Page B

Book: Lost! The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog by Jeremy Strong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeremy Strong
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    There were loads of policemen in the way and I saw the dog-catching van waiting for me and Sergeant Smugg was there and he was pointing a gun STRAIGHT AT ME! and NO, NO, NO! It wasn’t supposed to be like this! I was almost home and the cheetah was behind me and the gun was in front of me and
    I flung myself to one side, rolling over and over and over in the dust and I thought: This really isn’t fair. I’ve outrun the fastest animal known to Man, and now I’ve been shot dead! That’s not fair at all! Then I thought: Hang on, my brain is still thinking, so I can’t be dead.
    I got up and looked around and the cheetah was lying on its side. It was breathing, but it wasasleep, because Sergeant Smugg hadn’t shot me, he had stuck the cheetah with a special dart kind of thing that made it go to Dreamland — zzzzzz.

    Do you know what all those two-legs did after that? They ignored me! I had run faster than thefastest animal on earth, and all the two-legs could do was go and look at some big spotty cat. I ask you!
    I crept away and Hoolie and Cat came and found me and we went sneaking past the dog warden’s van just in case. My heart was beating faster and faster but I wasn’t scared any more, I was bursting with woofy happiness because now I was trotting up my very own front path and standing at the door to my very own Trevor’s house.
    Do you know something? Nothing happened! I took a step back.
    ‘They didn’t hear you,’ suggested Hoolie. ‘Shall I throw a brick through the window?’
    ‘NO! Leave it to me,’ I snapped. Honestly, baboons — you can’t take them anywhere. I barked again.
    And guess what? The door opened and out they came! All three of them, bounce-bounce-bounce, lick-lick-lick, love-love-love, and we rolled about and they bit me and I pretended to spank them with my paw, only very, very gently and we hugged and bounced and licked all over again. Then we sniffed each other’s bottoms, because that’s the best way to say ‘Hello!’
    Trevor sat on the front doorstep watching and he was crying! He was! The big booby! Then his mum and dad came out and they frowned and I could see they were frowning at Cat and Hoolie. They weren’t at all happy about that, but Trevor said they ought to stay. Mrs Two-Legs said she was definitely not having a cat in the house and Mr Two-Legs told Hoolie to get off his car and put the aerial back and what did a baboon need windscreen wipers for anyway? Then he went inside to ring the Safari Park to tell them therewas a mad baboon in his front garden and would they please come and remove it immediately, and they did, because they were only just up the road, waiting with the dog warden’s van. It wasn’t there for me — it was for Hoolie and the cheetah!
    Cat curled between Mrs Two-Legs’s feet and purred and rubbed against her and jumped up into her arms and nuzzled her and purred and of course she gave in and said how nice he was.
    ‘You are so sweet,’ she drooled. ‘And I’m going to call you Cutie-pops.’
    Cat glanced back at me and told me to wipe the grin off my face.
    So that was how I got lost and found (twice!) and had an adventure and outran a cheetah and my puppies are brilliant and if you turn over the page you can see a special picture of me and them. Oh yes, and I don’t bother to be Dazzy Donut Dog any more because actually I think I am quite enough of a super-dog without havingto pretend. But I do still like donuts.
    And last of all, you know what? Cat has been teaching me some more reading and writing and I have written a story for you.
    It’s brilliant isn’t it? Maybe you can’t read yet, so I’ll tell you what it says.
I am the fastest dog in the world.
    That G thing is the cheetah with his mouth open going pant pant pant , and the Q mark is obviously

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