Love in Flames

Love in Flames by N. J. Walters Page A

Book: Love in Flames by N. J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
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me love you.”
    There was no way she could deny him. She wanted him more than she wanted her next breath. As though sensing her acquiescence, his pace increased, his hips flexing faster and faster.
    She felt the first quivers of her impending orgasm, tiny spasms deep in her core. Closing her eyes, she savored every thrust. Their bodies were damp with perspiration, their skin sliding together as he made love to her.
    The harsh crackling noise had her eyes shooting open. Fear filled her belly, driving out all pleasure. “Ryan.” She hated the way her voice quivered, but she couldn’t stop it.
    “There’s nothing to worry about.” He continued to thrust. “Nothing,” he promised.
    The sound got louder and she swiveled her head until she found the source. Flames engulfed the drapes, consuming them like a great, hungry beast.
    Esther screamed, but Ryan seemed oblivious.
    “We have to get out.” She tried to shove away from him, but he strengthened his hold, keeping her solidly against him.
    They were going to burn alive.
    “Ryan!” she screamed his name, kicking and pushing at him. They had to get away. The fire was growing, the heat rising around them. She screamed his name again and again. Finally, he released her. She tried to scramble away, but the sheets were tangled around her legs, trapping her.
    The flames leapt toward the bed in a fiery rush…
    Esther jerked awake, her breathing ragged, her heart pounding so hard in her ears that she couldn’t hear. Blindly, she flung her hand outward. It struck the lamp on the bedside table, almost toppling it before she was able to right it. Her hand shook as she flicked it on. The sheets were wrapped around her legs and she fought free of them. Sweat plastered her nightgown to her body.
    “There is no fire. There is no fire. It was just a dream.” She had no idea how many times she repeated those phrases before she began to believe them and the panic slowly receded.
    Burying her face in her hands, she desperately tried to gain control of herself. She took a deep breath and then another. Gradually, her heartbeat returned to normal, but the dread remained in the pit of her stomach, burning like acid.
    Once again her dreams had tangled the past with the present, her life right now with that of her ancestor’s. The dreams were always worse this time of year. Even though James and Esther were married after the Samhain celebration, it was that day that was the worst of all. She knew that many cultures believed that the veils between the worlds of the living and the dead were the thinnest that day. All Esther knew was she wanted it over and done with. She couldn’t take many more dreams like this.
    Now that her nerves were calming, she was aware of the pulsing low in her belly. She was still aroused, almost painfully so, but there was no relief in sight.
    She glanced at the clock and sighed. A beam of sunlight peeked through a crack in the blinds. She’d drawn them shut before she’d gone to bed this morning, hoping the darkness would allow her to sleep. She hadn’t slept as long as she’d wanted, but there was no hope for it now. She knew there was no way she was going to get any more rest. Throwing back the covers, she swung her legs over the side of the bed.
    Maybe a cold shower would help.
    Somehow she doubted it.

Chapter Five
    So much for her day off.
    Esther had barely crawled out of the shower when the phone rang. One of the other dispatchers had to go home sick and they hadn’t been able to reach anyone else. Could she come in to cover the rest of the shift?
    It was only for a few hours, and Esther normally didn’t mind covering for a co-worker. What she didn’t want to do was to run into Ryan. She’d been working hard lately, and the strange dreams and restless nights were beginning to take their toll on her. She’d really been looking forward to her three days off to get her equilibrium back.
    Still, her boss promised her an extra day off to make up

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